Here are just some snippets.
Tuesday and Wednesday. Man-flu ongoing - fires and films in the afternoon - felt like Christmas (except for the man-flu misery).
Saw one of Woody Allen's "early funny" films again (Sleeper). V. funny.
I want an orgasmatron. And I want it now.
Weds. evening - TV somehow switched itself onto mysterious "timer" function and wouldn't work. M - with a typical degree of optimism - thinks the tube is gone.
Thursday - weaving (great) then time with an old (and v. good) friend L.
Bought fantastic book in vintage market in Greenwich:

Sorry, Tat. Not for you - for my own collection of childrens books.
(I have my eye on many of the books I've bought for LG in the past.....)
(though I did buy something fab for you yesterday, Tat. hee hee. You'll have to wait till I come over)
(See earlier post on dastardly plans to do away with Greenwich market - please sign up to the petitition if you can)
Went to see Syriana with L. Good old George again. The kind of film which would seem deeply cynical if it wasn't for the convinction that this is reality - and so deeply chilling.
Got on bus to go home, no mobile phone. Got off bus, ran back to pub - no phone. Returned to bus stop, scouring the streets. No phone. Bugger.
No TV and no mobile phone. And bank account already overdrawn.
Before I got home, pub had phoned ahead - phew, they had it after all.
Friday. Yoga begins with v. fast sequence - including excruciating press-up type movement - called "Greet the Sun". What sun? Where?
Also something called "Knacker arsna" (wrong spelling no doubt) - v. entertaining. (in name and in execution) (attempted execution for most of us)
Met Betty for coffee - a stranger, strictly speaking I suppose, but already a new friend with already some history behind us, some shared background. The strange power, hold, attraction, communication of blogging!
I hardly know myself these days sometimes, the shy, quiet, self-contained one - talking (try stopping me) to friends/strangers, crying in public, showing my feelings, letting it all out.
Work Friday afternoon. Entertaining discussion with students on animal rights. M dropped off little Gem and her friend on his way into London for evening out. (Man-flu gone by now). (Phew)
Noodles with little Gem and her friend, who is the Most Appreciative Child in the world (and to LG's delight, she is also a fan of Carry On films). (good friendship with MAC developing since best friend H. moved to Ipswich with Luce)
And so home. TV mysteriously working again. Phew and hurrah.
Little Gem nearly refused point blank to go to bed. What would I have done?
Watched 2 episodes of Desperate HW.
Great day Saturday in London with Luce. More on that later, no doubt.....
I sat down this morning wondering what on earth I had to say.
But so - life goes on after all, theres always something. And so much really.
Sometimes life seems to be made up of snippets, pieces, patches, fragments - i wonder whether/how they fit together?
Hola Lettuga! You have a very busy emancipated(!) life! Love the MAC pseudonym. Has man flu completely gone today?
Chocolate brownies today - too many to fit in the box. Very squidgy too! LUSH.
yes, tobacco, booze and deep fat! (probably chocolate too)
Oh a pressie for me, I'm excited... sounds like a busy busy week, hope man flu is over, where does he go up town?
Life is snippets and fragments, a little like patchwork, all held together by a delicate thread!
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