Well, I took my time but got around to it eventually:
1. Name of band/musician: David Bowie
2. Are you male or female? Queen Bitch
3. Describe yourself: Almost Grown
4. How do you feel about yourself? I’m Deranged
5. Describe your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend: Silly Boy Blue
6. Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: Unwashed and somewhat slightly dazed
7. Describe where you want to be: Suffragette City
8. Describe how you live: Hang onto yourself
9. Describe how you love: God knows I’m good
10. What would you wish for if you had one wish?: Let’s Dance
11. Share a few words of wisdom.: It Ain’t Easy
12. Now say goodbye.: Ashes to Ashes
Little Gem also did her own:
1. Name of band/musician: Meatloaf
2. Are you male or female?: Man and a woman
3. Describe yourself: Modern Girl
4. How do you feel about yourself?: Blind before I stop
5. Describe your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend: Do anything for love but I won’t do that
6. Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: Dead ringer for love
7. Describe where you want to be: The promised land
8. Describe how you live: Bat out of hell
9. Describe how you love: For crying out loud
10. What would you wish for if you had one wish?: Bad attitude
11. Share a few words of wisdom.: Do It
12. Now say goodbye: I’ll kill you if you come back.
All her own work. I was v. relieved she changed Q. 9 from "Nocturnal Pleasure".
No. 10 she certainly doesn't need to wish for.
She likes Meatloaf very much - but at moment, she be mostly listening to Papa Roach and Cradle of Filth. Beats Britney.
Loved your lists. Loved the dillos too! How do you fit them all in your house?
Thanks for saying hello. I enjoyed your Bowie list.
The blogging is a bit compulsive although I still find actually writing mine rather tricky. My mind just seems to go blank when I sit at the computer.
How do you get those counter things?
nice dillo's!
Liked your and LG's song titles! Very funny.
Haven't felt like blogging today. Maybe tomorrow...
Well they sort of lurk on shelves and in corners and crannies...
Wow! Great lists both of you! Well worth waiting for.
Way to go Little gem. Well not a lot of people know this but I know all the words to all the songs on "bat out of hell" but doesn't everyone???? spooky but that little pixie is so like you and LG...
Excellent song titles. Cool kid you have there lettuce :-)
You are so lucky not to have to put up with the Britney.
Both lists were really great!
Oh I love David Bowie or I did until 'Lets Dance' things went a bit down hill.....
Excellent Bowie titles and your LG is well cool as my Rs would say.
Renee likes Meatloaf too. We were singing Bat Out of Hell as we roared down the motorway on Saturday. Well, perhaps "singing" is a slightly inappropriate term.
Well, I've not got on very well with installing these things. The first one I messed up by typing my email account in wrongly.
I tried to do the neocounter one and I have the code thing that you have to copy to put in the blog. But where do I copy it to?
Boy, do I feel stupid.
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