Says he thinks its flu.
It bloody isn't.
I'll admit its a fairly nasty cold (by his standards at least) - he's been quite congested, has had one bad night where he didn't sleep too well and sounded quite crusty.
But he's still been up late into the night playing his RPG, and is up this morning looking online at mobile phones and downloading music.
I'm starting plans for splitting up our finances - we should have done it years ago. Its been a pretty-much constant source of unnecessary tension. When he has his own separate account, he can pay for his own bloody mobile phone bill.
So there.
Anyway, I've been caring and nurturing, making lots of soothing drinks, cosy fires, offering pillows and blankets.
Felt pretty pissed off and down in the dumps (what a great expression that still is) this morning. But on the way back from school with LG (who, despite her ongoing protests about her need to be free and independent, still wants me to go with her to school in the mornings) there was wonderful bird song filling the air. It quite cheered me up, there is sunshine and some (a little) blue sky and I might even do some poking about in the garden later today.
And I suddenly remembered 15 minutes ago that I had a great dream about Luce (RW) - that they had found their ideal house, I was visiting them there. Don't remember much about the house itself, but it was out in the country, with a quite immense garden - and dogs!
None of the dillos really look ill - but I thought this one (No.13) looked a bit peaky and sorry for itself:

Oh God, not dogs.
Men always have to suffer loudly and overexaggerate the extent of their suffering.
Awww - poor Dillo, poor you!
That dream sounds like a goodun' tho' ~(:o})-
Dogs eh? Thanks for having a nice positive dream about me! The power of positive thought....(you never know it might just work, Jim)
I'd like to agree that men always think they are iller than they are but my hubby has given up looking for any nurture from me when he's ill, he just gets on with it. We are not good with illness in this family. (I blame my mother! Her father had a terminal illness and her mother had chronic lung problems all her life - so she makes light of colds and stuff - even now at the age of 75)
Yes, the weather makes a difference to our moods, no question. Hope you are feeling more 'up'.
What was Trac on about?
Hope you are feeling good. It does seem a bit brighter today. I have been playing 'Soft Stuff' all morning and it was really therapeutic. It smells really nice too. Like the dillo.
yeah, Neocounters are cool - get one!
Yep men, yep M, dare i say it always a little woossie with illness....EEckkk.... nice dream though and not disturbed by birds i trust :-)
When I was ill recently Paul said 'oh you have a bad cold' a few days later he woke up and said in a pathetic voice, 'I can't move, I've got flu'!!!! Bloody man flu. Us women are made of stronger stuff that's all I can say :-)
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