Because we spent much of Tuesday evening bickering, LG and I.
Culminating in LG saying "I wish I could leave home NOW!" and me thinking "Well bloody GO!"
And if ever you read this, LG, no I didn't really mean it or want you to go, and yes I do love you and I think you know all that perfectly well but reading this would give you another good excuse to kick off! Oh no, here we go again.
Poor LG (probably hormonal) has been quite moody and contradictory lately, and I've not been the most patient... We do rub each other up the wrong way at times. But always manage to apologise and make it up sooner or later. However, LG is not too well pleased with her blogger pseudonym, and has suggested Demon Child as a much cooler alternative, so this will now become her blogger alterego.
We were bickering, in particular, because we were making a pie plate armadillo (see below) for M., whose birthday was yesterday. We'd left it till the last minute - as you do - and there were sausages under the grill in serious jeopardy - and although the outcome was great, the process was not. And at one point M. called out, from the next room, "Whatever you're doing in there, stop it! Especially if its something for me!" .....
Which DC took as directed specifically at her, rather than both of us (as it was) - sending her mood swinging from cross and unco-operative to miserable, self-pitying and unloved. Poor thing.
All was resolved happily before bedtime.
Wednesday morning, after tea, toast, birthday presents and pie plate armadillo in bed, we reached the corner on the way to school.
Demon Child:
".. oh, will you just come to the top of the hill?".....
"If you come to the bottom of the hill today, you could leave me at the corner tomorrow." ....
So I did....
"I wont turn and look back, cos then its easier..."
I did.
So did she.
I love you so much Demon Child.
Here is the fabulous pie plate Dillo (Dillo No. 17 ) (thanks so much to Betty for finding it for us):

That Dillo is ******* brill, the best I have seen yet, well down lettuce and demon child, (indeed???). HB M :-) Me and the girls squabble all the time,that's life.... I don't know where I went yesterday but baby tats back!
Yep 15 countries, must be the way I tell it..... I believe they go away the 6th August for 19 days but I will double check on that....
Fab dillo - love it!
It's sad that hormones get in the way when children get to a certain age but don't worry, you will be very best friends again once she's got through that stage.
That is ultra cool. I love it. It looks so much better than on the site it came from. Excellent stuff!
That's my favourite dillo too.
I'll be keeping the instructions for a rainy day activity with my own demon child.
Yes, brilliant dillo. Did you have to go an dbuy the plates or did you just happen to have them stashed in your enormous cupboard in the dining room?
Kids eh? It's been mighty quiet round here without H. I'd rather her loud and noisy and argumentative than not here...still she's back tomorrow.
Wow, I just love that. If I tried it though it would look nothing like a dillo.
Yes, I do feel 43! When I hurt my ankle in the Autumn it took months to heal, I can't take my liquor, I fall asleep before the weather after the news every day and there's def something up with my hormones. I went out in the car after lunch to a meeting feeling all jolly, had the roof down and was feeling young and racey and then within 10 mins I felt like I was going to burst into tears. For no reason. So there, does that make you feel better?
Are you older or younger than me?
all this 'pysonal' information! Lettuce just tell everyone you're 28 like what I am!
Meg asked me how Andy and I met! Now that's a long story which I might just divulge......
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