See? Thats proper yoga blogging, that is. I am a yoga dilettante. (no, not Dillotante) (well...maybe).
I do the yoga once a week, about 6 months of the year, and never at home. She (could be he?) is obviously a true devotee.
I am more the Tamsin Greig school of yoga, in Black Books.

(sometimes) (not at the time - sometimes afterwards)
(before the cramps set in)
but I'm still craving the red wine and chocolate by early evening.
(btw, the Tamsin Greig will soon be returning (March 31) in the excellently funny Green Wing Watch it, if you didn't first time around. Witty, surreal, original, often laugh-out-loud funny.)
And here is what we apparently should be consuming, instead of the red wine and chocolate.
Does that help at all? Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahah
Saturday night I opened a bottle of wine which I had made myself in 1989. Blimus!
And we're still here. And no, I didn't even have a headache on Sunday morning.
I used to make lots of wine, when we were poverty-stricken students, and lived in the country, with an abundance of elderberries, sloes, blackberries just up the lane. Most of it was pretty drinkable. Some of it (like the haw) (yes, haw, [as in hawthorn]) had to be thoroughly mulled first, and then it still made your mouth pucker up a bit.
We were desperate, I must admit. No other wine in the house. This vintage home brew was still surprisingly good. No, really! And I am much fussier about wine now than I was all those years ago. Though there was only one bottle left, so we couldn't prove it by drinking a second.
I will have to do some shopping next week.....
This is also quite funny, I got it in an email so some of you might have seen it. For those in other countries who might not know, Delia (Smith) is a best-selling cookery writer in England. When Delia is on TV with a new recipe using lemon-grass, all the supermarkets sell out of lemon-grass within days.
Which one are you???????
Delia's way & the real womans way.
Delia's Way
Stuff a miniature marshmallow in the bottom of a sugar cone
to prevent ice cream drips.
The Real Woman's Way
Just suck the ice cream out of the bottom of the cone, for God's sake.
You are probably lying on the couch with your feet up eating it anyway.
Delia's Way
To keep potatoes from budding, place an apple in the bag with the potatoes.
The Real Woman's Way
Buy Smash and keep it in the cupboard for up to a year.
Delia's Way
When a cake recipe calls for flouring the baking tin, use a bit of the dry cake mix instead
and there won't be any white mess on the outside of the cake.
The Real Woman's Way
Tescos' sell cakes. They even do decorated versions.
Delia's Way
If you accidentally over-salt a dish while it's still cooking, drop in a potato slice.
The Real Woman's Way
If you over salt a dish while you are cooking, that's tough sh*t.
Please recite with me the Real Woman's motto: "I made it and you will eat it
and I don't care how bad it tastes."
Delia's Way
Wrap celery in aluminium foil when putting in the refrigerator
and it will keep for weeks.
The Real Woman's Way
It could keep forever. Who eats it?
Delia's Way
Cure for headaches: Take a lime, cut it in half and rub it on
your forehead. The throbbing will go away.
The Real Woman's Way
Cure for headaches: Take a lime, cut it in half and drop it in 8 ounces of vodka.
Drink the vodka. You might still have the headache,
but you wont give a sh*t?
Delia's Way
If you have a problem opening jars, try using latex dishwashing gloves.
They give a non-slip grip that makes opening jars easy.
The Real Woman's Way
Why do I have a man?
and finally the most important tip
Delia's Way
Freeze leftover wine into ice cubes for future use in casseroles and sauces.
The Real Woman's Way
Leftover wine???? Hello!!!!!
Delia's way & the real womans way.
Delia's Way
Stuff a miniature marshmallow in the bottom of a sugar cone
to prevent ice cream drips.
The Real Woman's Way
Just suck the ice cream out of the bottom of the cone, for God's sake.
You are probably lying on the couch with your feet up eating it anyway.
Delia's Way
To keep potatoes from budding, place an apple in the bag with the potatoes.
The Real Woman's Way
Buy Smash and keep it in the cupboard for up to a year.
Delia's Way
When a cake recipe calls for flouring the baking tin, use a bit of the dry cake mix instead
and there won't be any white mess on the outside of the cake.
The Real Woman's Way
Tescos' sell cakes. They even do decorated versions.
Delia's Way
If you accidentally over-salt a dish while it's still cooking, drop in a potato slice.
The Real Woman's Way
If you over salt a dish while you are cooking, that's tough sh*t.
Please recite with me the Real Woman's motto: "I made it and you will eat it
and I don't care how bad it tastes."
Delia's Way
Wrap celery in aluminium foil when putting in the refrigerator
and it will keep for weeks.
The Real Woman's Way
It could keep forever. Who eats it?
Delia's Way
Cure for headaches: Take a lime, cut it in half and rub it on
your forehead. The throbbing will go away.
The Real Woman's Way
Cure for headaches: Take a lime, cut it in half and drop it in 8 ounces of vodka.
Drink the vodka. You might still have the headache,
but you wont give a sh*t?
Delia's Way
If you have a problem opening jars, try using latex dishwashing gloves.
They give a non-slip grip that makes opening jars easy.
The Real Woman's Way
Why do I have a man?
and finally the most important tip
Delia's Way
Freeze leftover wine into ice cubes for future use in casseroles and sauces.
The Real Woman's Way
Leftover wine???? Hello!!!!!
I bought a wine box this morning. 3L. Well, its cheaper that way you see........
And this is the Dillottante of the title (No.12) :

Definitely the real woman. Delia is a tosser. Very unpleasant woman with jolly silly ideas about cooking, and her restaurant is awful too - but even I draw the line at Smash.
The vintage home brew sounds very impressive. I made some wine once but it exploded in the airing cupboard.
Yes - I was impressed! I had elderflower champagne explode in a pantry once too. Extremely sticky.
I'm still laughing about your blog.
hahaha - loved the real woman's take on Delia.
Green Wing - yay! love it, love it, love it :o}
I really can't imagine that a bottle of homemade wine made of something picked from a hedge, twenty years old can taste nice. Surely you must be suffering from one of the deficiencies you list - did it miss it off 'If you crave vinegar tasting wine but think it's nice you are lacking in.......a membership to a decent mail order wine club!'
As for that yoga blog - well I'm speechless. How long do you think they can maintain total devotion to yoga for until a craving for red wine and chocolate takes them over? (or even homemade Ashtanta/Iyengar wine, made from the fruit of a yogi's garden!)
Oh I'm not impressed with yoga, I tried it, it makes me fart, the end. I much prefer to be the village bike as your dear husband once put it, proud of it, no wind problems there and if there is no one can hear as you've just riden fast super quick! I agree with Le Chat and what an excellent use of the word tosser, i like her, (no delia) more and more :-)
You're v. funny luce - Iyengar wine from the fruit of a yogi's garden! But honest, it wasn't vinegary at all. No one would have known it was home-made. But it was made from grapes, not hedgerow pickings. Obviously those french do know something about making wine...
Oh yessy please I should very much like one, I was admiring yours :-)
I won't have you all being nasty to my lovely Delia.I love Delia ! I'm a fan and have all her book. Her sticky toffie puddings are to die for
Long live Delia
I think I might sit somewhere between Delia and a real woman. I have many of her books and, if in doubt, consult Delia I say! The list made me laugh out loud several times, thank you :-)
I do miss my yoga. I have swapped it for pilates which I also miss seeing as I haven't done any since before Lizzy's birth. Time for some exercise methinks!
Oh and Green Wing, can't wait :0)
Have you ever studied Delia's hands when she is on television? Have a look next time....ew!
Still, her bread sauce and Victorian sponge is the best. I too, have mixed feelings and you know what I'm like when I start on the baking front!
Yeah, I don't think nuts and seeds are gonna cut my tobacco addiction. And I don't care WHAT you say, there is no substitute for chocolate.
I love the suggestion for crunching ice. lol
BTW, I watched Corpse Bride and Spanglish this weekend. Can't remember the others. It all went by in a haze.
Hope those letters go well. Take care!!!
Grolly is not nice. Let's just say it is green and sticky and you wouldn't want to get it on your hand....loved your comments on Wendy's blog.
I found a great deal of helpful info here!
weight loss pills
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