A. Picture of LG's decorated egg (which won a prize at school!!) (smug smirk/lip-pressing/pride)
B. Meme nicked from
thanks Tat, I was wondering what to blog about.
C. Something to make you laugh - emailed to me by a friend. I don't know their original source, obviously someone with too much time on their hands.
D. Something else to make you laugh.
Here we go then:

B. Meme
1. How did you get the idea for your profile name? At the time I was insomniac and scoffing lots of lettuce late at night to try and help me sleep
2. What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing? Rocket by El Presidente.
3. Has the death of a celebrity every made you cry? No
4. What colour underwear are you wearing? Black
5. Do you want a baby? No, not any more. (Mostly)
6. What does your dad do for a living? Retired. (was a lecturer)
7. What does your mum do for a living? Retired. (was an enfant/junior teacher)
8. What is/are your pet's names? Harley and marigold. (G. pigs)
9. What colour are your bed sheets? White.
10. What are the last 3 digits of your phone number? 429
11. What was the last concert you went to? Daughter's school Christmas concert.
12. Who was with you? No one (lots of other parents, obviously...) (and children...)
13. What was the last film you watched? Sean of the Dead
14. Who do you dislike most at this moment? Daughter's school teacher.
15. What food do you crave right now? Toast and marmite
16. Did you dream last night? Yes
17. What was the last TV show you watched? Green Wing (repeat)
18. What is your fav piece of jewellery? currently - Pilgrim necklace.
19. What is to the left of you? Desk, CDs, computer stack, Body Shop foot gel, Tardis key-ring, post it notes, iron man figure, couple of dillos, books, overflowing paper tray... i could go on...
20. What was the last thing you ate? Pork pie and half an avocado
21. Who is your best friend of the opposite sex? My husband
22. Who last MSN'd you? My lovely neice, L, aged 21.
23. Where is your significant other right now? Behind me on his computer
24. Do you have a crush? Just a little bit
25. What is his/her name? Not telling
26. When was the last time you had your hair cut? about 3 weeks
27. Are you on any meds? Yes
28. Do you have a mental disease? No
29. What shirt are you wearing? Blue/grey Mango T-shirt. Old fave.
30. Are you sexy? Depends if anyone fancies me or not
31. What's your favourite store? TK Max
32. Are you thirsty? Yes
33. Can you imagine yourself ever getting married? I am
34. Who's someone you haven't seen in a while and miss? Luce
35. Where do you work? University
C. Bored at home? Then create your own zoo:

D. Click here
(hee hee, Princess Lettuce)
Loved that zoo thing. Someone is meant to be here at 5 and they're not. I hate people who are late.
I don't really like shopping. I'm trying so hard here but I can't think of any shop I like. Sorry!
Intrigued re your crush. All the pupils at school have them,usually on the most unlikely contenders. I was once stalked by a crusher, he was about 14 and it got very tiresome. His mother said he had photos of me on his wall - urghh!
I want to go home.
Go away, Le Chat, do I hear you say?
Sorry, forgot the other question. No, we break up next Friday, worst luck. Then I'm off to Munchen. Hurray!
Now I'm really going. This bastard still isn't here.
More intrigued now, you rotter!
Silly husband. Perhaps I am better off without one. Twas nice to see though that he is your best friend.
Time to make myself useful and open some wine.
Well done to LG on the egg prize. Brilliant handiwork - no help from you, I'm sure!!
No, just helped stick the wings on.
And negotiated agreement that she wouldn't be pissed and miserable if it all went wrong because this was the second egg she decorated, having got half way through another and then having had this great idea!!! at already 8.30pm when she should have been getting ready for bed but she was so keen to try it and thank goodness it all went well relief phew!
Well, he's my best MALE friend...
Yes, of course, your best male friend. Silly me.
The children are suspiciously quiet. I wonder what they are up to.
What are you doing this weekend?
Oh Lettuce, thank you. I had the biggest laugh of the week at your "something to make you laugh" - brilliant! The meme was good too and obviously the egg was inspired! :o}
So did you get a lie-in? The girls tend to lie in after sleep-overs simply because they don't actually sleep until about 3am, they giggle and chatter and scoff snacks.
What makes the weekends difficult? Lack of personal space?
Also, is the crush a)a person you have met, b)someone on TV or c)more a general feeling.
It hasn't killed me yet but probably will soon. Curiosity that is!!!
well no Le Chat, I shouldn't have mentioned it at all, its nothing much of anything really. Not worth anyone's curiosity!!
Lie-in - I should be so lucky!
But I didn't hear them till 7.30-ish, not too bad as they went off to sleep about 12.00.
Just returned from full English brunch in Woolwich. yum yum
Well, you do disappoint me.
The brunch sounds good though. I'd kill for some meat, it's not permitted in this house other than for Shearer (the cat).
Have a good weekend.
What are those people doing? Alternative methods of child-birth perhaps??? Yes, who is this crush then???
Just missed you on RW's blog - are you here?
Yes, lettuce. I don't know who this crush is do I? Hmmmm....... I will think. But as Le Chat is nearly jumpingup and down with curiousity please tell us? Is it someone off telly? film? or on your very road? (oooooh) Not D W is it? hahahhhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahaha.
Anyway, just popped by to leave comments till try to blog later. I see jo and sos tried to speak to holly. She was in 'high dudgeon' about jo being there, as she hadn't known about jo coming! I think she was a little uncommunicative with them? (hormones, blame it on th ehormones)
oh yes, half a pork pie and an avocado?
or was it the other wayround?
Good God, what is all this? Do you and Rambling Woman speak a strange alien tongue. I tried copying it into babelfish to see if it made more sense in French and got this:
"Quoi qu'il en soit, juste sauté près pour laisser des commentaires jusqu'à l'essai au blog plus tard. Je vois le jo et le SOS essayés pour parler au houx. Elle était dans 'la rancoeur élevée 'au sujet du jo étant là, car elle n'avait pas su venir de jo ! Je pense qu'elle était peu une non communicative avec eux ? (les hormones, le blâment sur des ehormones de Th)"
That made no sense at all, so I got Babelfish to translate that back into English and got this:
At all events, right sauté to near leave comments until the test with the blog later. I see the OJ and the S.O.S tried to speak with the houx. It was in ' the rancour raised ' about the OJ being there, because it had not known to come from OJ! I think that it was little noncommunicative with them? (the hormones, blame it on Th ehormones)
I'm none the wiser.
ha ha le chat! Tu est tres drole. (run through babelfish: You drool very much!)
(not really, I made that up!)
are ehormones good for menopause?
hahaha le chat!
That guy DEFINITELY has too much time on his hands! But it made for a great laugh!
Honestly, where DO you get your links/weird websites?
That zoo thing is 'out there' man!
also, don't think we've forgotton that you haven't divulged your crush yet! After all, le chat has delivered (big time!)
Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.
- David
Quite helpful information, thanks for your article.
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