(well, not at the same time, obviously. In the same week). (is there such a thing as aqua-yoga? hmm, an idea i could sell maybe.)
My thigh muscles were screaming a bit on the bike ride up to yoga - but whimpering on the way back. (possibly also a bad idea to cycle to yoga...)
Who would have thought it could be such hard work to stretch the skin on the soles of your feet? (whilst standing on them, that is)
And my feet were already suffering. Firstly, from a blister from a few weeks back when I did lots of walking (too wet to cycle) and my Dr. Martens rubbed. Despite the fact that I've had them for years and years, and worn and walked in them a lot. Tch! I was both offended and indignant about this blister.
Secondly, because I have chilblains. I haven't had them for years. I did often as a child and teenager - and my Mum had some stinky sticky stick of something - this used to be warmed in front of the electric fire and smeared on the toes. It helped but was a bit yucky. For those of you have never suffered from this affliction, chilblains seem trivial but are bloody painful. (hmmm, indicative that i kept typing childblains by mistake. Seem trivial but bloody painful...)
Anyway, chilblains but no snow! How fair is that? Yes, we are jealous, Wendy! (different Wendy) (who may, indeed, also be bendy - I have no idea).
I believe chilblains are connected with bad circulation (i keep reading this as child-blains now, hee hee) - which, in turn, is related to vitamin deficiency. So, maybe I should add an orange or two to my night time snacks of lettuce and bananas? Night-time fruit salad with garnish, anyone?
(btw, slept pretty well for the last 2 nights again, and thismorning, after waking at 6.15, I managed to doze off again till nearly 8.00! Luxury. I felt catatonic when I finally got up - it still feels as if I have a lot of catching up to do, but I think I'm starting to get there)
Anyway, I was able to get out of doing a shoulder-stand yesterday (hurrah!) because of having my period at the moment (boo!) so I am clearly still peri- not post-menopausal (boo!) (Great evaluative technique, thanks Trac)
It felt rather like getting out of gym at school! I wonder if bendy Wendy will notice/remember if I have another period again/still next week?.....
My daughter was having a good moan this morning about the fact that the secondary school where she has a place is all-girls. Sigh. She does have a point, I have mixed feelings about it. But this school has lots of advantages in comparison to the mixed schools where she had any chance of getting a place. Not that she wants to be at school with boys for any reasons connected with romantic entanglements. She has no time for all the Year 6 "going-out" business which goes on (apparently). (where "going out" seems to mean either "talking to" or "hanging around with at playtime")
No, she wants boys around to fight with, chase, discuss vintage Dr. Who, and exchange insults and Monty Python quotes. Which is, of course, much more important and better than that dating stuff. Long may it last.
I rather horrified myself just now by nearly posting a picture of the chilblains! Eeewww. I think I need to get out more. (so long as I wear at least 2 pairs of socks to keep the toes warm. -2 degrees this morning. Yes, ha ha Tat).
(If anyone wants to see the picture, let me know. Just so I can avoid your blog.)
Instead, here is Dillo No. 8 (another of my favourites!) :

And finally - my husband said, last night "Oh I must have a look at your blog some time - you must give me the address." You must be bloody joking, I thought.
Votes please - should I tell him the address, or not?
Hi Sweetie
My vote is "no" - 'cos you'd then be writing your blog with the idea that he may be reading it later. This might make you self-concious and change your blog personality altogether - just a thought - I could be wrong - it wouldn't be the first time! ~(:o})=
Nooooo, noooo. There are few things in life that women have that they can call their own. It's the freedom that we call creativity and men get jealous of it. You keep your space! My hubby read mine and he just didn't get it and hates me writing it.
Blimus girl don't pass on that address, Grumpy old womans right, your writing will change if you think he'll read it. A resounding NO from me girlfriend :-)
NOT!!!! It's your own personal space.
I can understand why the all girls school isn't to your daughter's liking. My daughter has many boy friends. She had 5 of them camping out round here for days on end. There was much laughter, she wore no make up and the boys were charming in a 'Yes Mrs Patterson' 'Kevin the Teenager' sort of way to me. They were up and down the stairs carrying out her wishes. She said she had the best time and she prefers hanging out with her bros more than her girl friends!
NO, I agree. You will change your personality if you think he's reading it.
I'll be online tonight if you want to chat! Saw your 'limplettuce'. I'm here....
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