The (I must admit) quite yummy David Tennant
(pics from last weekends Guardian)
who will be
appearing again soon as the new Dr. Who.

You could be right Trac, he might be even better than
CE (Chris Ecclestone - right) - the latest incarnation - who was an exceedingly successful (and slightly mad)(as the best ones always have been) Dr. Who last year.
The BBC refused to continue the series for years and years and years, despite its ongoing popularity, wide fan-base and amazingly long-running success - until CE, who succeeded in appealing to a whole new generation. So go on, when it starts later this month, watch it - its not only for geeks, anoraks, children and old/middle aged people! Really !!!
(are we forgiven yet, Trac? G&Ts still on offer... )

(PS I always was a Dr. Who fan, btw., this isn't solely for your benefit)
(PPS still an open verdict on David Tennant tho'. Quite appealing, but I didn't see Casanova. Ready to be persuaded... )
[PPPS but not at all convinced about that cardigan]
For those who might have found this blog a bit bemusing/confusing over the last few days, this is by way of clarification:
Luce - RW - visited from Ipswich for a couple of days. On our way back from a local nursery (gardening, not little people) Luce says "Lets go and see if we can find Trac's house, I think I know which road she lives on".. or something to that effect. We then hatch the fiendish and witty wheeze (we think) of surprising Trac (on holiday in France)(with Tat)(follow the trail) with a pic of her very own house on our blog/s. Hahahahaha.
We hadn't been drinking at the time, despite what anyone else might think. Tho' we might have been later that evening.
Shock, recriminations and guilt ensue.
I hope this makes everything crystal clear.
I am away myself with LG today for a couple of days being pampered at my mum's house. Before I go, I should follow up an earlier blog by saying how much I (and indeed we) enjoyed the film
V for Vendetta.
The original graphic novel was written in the 1980's as an anti-Thatcherite projection of a dystopian society where individual freedom - and indeed individuality - are brutally stamped out by an oppressive right-wing government.
The central character - V - is a Guy Fawkesian terrorist/freedom-fighter who uses both poison and bombs in his vendetta of personal vengeance, but also of political protest (played by Hugo Weaving (though you never see his face) who managed to sound {mostly} neither elvish [LOTR] nor like Mr. Smith [Matrix]). There was powerful tension in the film I thought, pretty good just as a thriller, and some great moments and images and as well as being very close to the original graphic novel, the film related very nicely to contemporary issues about State powers in relation to personal freedoms. Excellent stuff, with a great performance from Natalie Portman, and a stunning final sequence at Westminster which referenced the Sex Pistols God Save the Queen video.
I think thats quite enough for now. But might add a latest pic. of the magnolia before I leave, Spring is so apace now, it could be fully in flower by the time we get back.

I'm off now to try and force LG to wake up and get her out and on the train. Its for her own good, really.
Hi Lollo, have a lovely time at your mums!
I think I've missed you, have you already gone?
Great Magnolia! (fnar)
Oh my God, were those pictures of DT taken circa 1970? I'm sorry Trac, but really....that cardigan...it cannot be forgiven!
Hope you have a lovely time at your mum's house with LG.
We watched the maggot 'Doctor Who' last night for 1973 week. Did you see it? There were some great bits with a plastic toy jeep pretending to be a really big one going up a 'slag' heap.
I suppose his eyes are quite nice but Betty is right and that cardigan is repulsive.
Christopher Ecclestone is actually OK, I think. Quite sexy.
Hope you had a good time at your parents'.
Joyeux Paques
Thanks for your post ... I love 'Wings of Desire'.
Actually, I quite like 'Skellig' too - it's alright, this blog lark.
Yes, angels ... funnily enough, Genet had a thing about angels - he thought they were a very bad thing. Looking at my angel, I can see why someone would think that.
Wow, there is a lot of useful data above!
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