Monday, April 24, 2006

Normal Service

I'm just trying to sort out a template problem, so my blog might look a bit strange for a while, and there may be things coming and going.....

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.


Identikit said...

It seems fine now. The weather pixie and all the other stuff are visible. The writing is quite small - might cause problems for people like Meg who can't see things unless they're the size of a house.

Molly Bloom said...

Yes, everything is back now. Hurrah!

You managed to post something. I wonder why I can't? Perhaps blogger has banned me....ha ha ha!

Molly Bloom said...

I wonder how you managed it. I bet you shouted 'Hurrah' when it popped back up!

The fabric of my life said...

Looking good to me but then it always did. Do we get to have a photo of you soon? Glad you had a nice time with Trac :-)

The fabric of my life said...

You are such a popular girl. When I was on, 4 others were looking too!