Maybe I should use this picture with my profile? these look a bit brown and limp around the edges.... sounds about right...
And I will be back to the lettuce and bananas again tonight before bed.
3 good sleeps at my friend Luce's house, but not so good since being home..... so back to my bedtime snack of choice/necessity - its tryptophan, apparently (not laudanum!) which is in lettuce, bananas, milk.. can't remember what else, i must check, more nightly lettuces might drive me mad - and it causes drowsiness.
So they say.
However - no sleeping pills for over a week now, and i'm fairly determined not to take any more, so i'll keep trying......
In the meantime, heres a pic. of my fab new slippers. They make my feet look large and square, but i don't care - they are sooooooooo cosy and warm, and I can skate in them on our kitchen tiles.
What more could one want from a pair of slippers?

Managed to move a picture!!
For those of you who haven't checked it yet, let me see if I can make babies with beards a link - so, click here:
go on, it'll make you laugh.
Well, I have a week without having to go to work ahead of me. Which would normally be a good thing. A very very good thing.
But..... since my personal troubles emerged limping out into the open - exploded, erupted, oozed unhealthily (eeeeewwwwww!!) - having to go to work at least a couple of days in the week has helped a lot - having to get out, see people, having some structure to the day. I work a lot from home anyway, preparing classes, marking essays - hard to not work too hard / hard to get dressed and DO something!
So, i'm determined to structure my week anyway and try to have a good time.
Swimming on Monday - i used to swim regularly, and am trying to exercise more, it should help with the sleeping too. Some work to do at home, should be ok if i've been out swimming and shopping on the way home. (food, nothing exciting - other than the lettuce/bananas, obviously). Tho i might have time for the Woolwich charity shops. Tuesday - hopefully going to see Hidden (take note, Frenchophiles) (sorry, that should probably be Francophiles!!) with a friend in the afternoon (!! love going to the pictures during the day, it feels so decadent). Wednesday - counselling in the morning with M. £50 a pop which hurts - but it does get us talking about stuff we need to talk about. Then meeting Tat for coffee pm (and Trac?).
Thursday - my weaving class, tho actually i might be spinning rather than weaving ... sometimes difficult as my mind wanders and who knows where it might end up - but its a nice group and good to get out of the house and be with people. Friday - yoga in the morning. Hooray! Haven't been able to get to yoga since last summer, as I've had to work Friday mornings. I'm so looking forward to that. No doubt will suffer afterwards. And Friday afternoon my lovely mum and dad are coming up for lunch & afternoon - shopping? walk? and staying for tea (which they are bringing with them! they're so lovely)
Could be a nice week. Should be. Hopefully. Will keep you informed.....
Hey, I'm so enjoying your blog. I'm sorry I can't spend longet with you wednesday, come over again to chez moi with little gem in the summer though. I need to get back to the pool, I remember our plodding up and down the pool days :-) Do you ever see Mandy, does she teach you? I was thinking about her and Guy t'other day, if you see her give her a hug from me..
swimming at the Waterfront - used to be okay, except when Schools are in for lessons :( bit splashy.
The yoga class is great - fantastic teacher, Friday mornings at the Woodlands place, can't remember what its called - off Blackheath Standard?
And yes, i did know about the turkey. I haven't even let myself think about the prospect of turkey at 23.00. yeuchhhh.
Yes, drink afterwards wd. be good.....
Hi Tat - yes, at least a quick visit in the summer is def. poss.!! i'll have to see how "things" go.
Mandy had an op. recently - hysterectomy - so she's been off recovering, tho she does usually teach the class i do. (she's a great teacher, inspirational and so funny). Seems to be recuperating quite well - she's due back at the class next week. I'll prob. pop down and see her this week - will give her your love.
see you soon - xx
I'm not sure what's worse black thoughts or a bit of Bernard Matthews before bed :-0 I love what Trac said, But as i've said before, I can sleep! hahaha, she certainly can :-)
Beautiful felt slippers :-) Looks like you have a great week planned. I miss my yoga classes, haven't done any for years and I'm a trained yoga teacher ho hum, one day
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