It always has worked in the past.... .... but this tulip looks rather how I feel. Sad, wilting and drooping - with very uncertain future prospects.
Might recover.... will it? wont it? Its like a parable of life.
BUT I am actually feeling much better now than when I started blogging....
My life has been quite a nightmare over the last 5 months ++
- but I am finally sleeping - almost normally, at least 4-5 hours a night, often more - which feels WONDERFUL.
Still lettuce- and banana-dependent, but thats ok. Its become quite a night-time ritual, along with the warm milk and lavender oil (on the pillow - not in the milk).
(Though I do actually have a recipe which includes dried lavender
- an outstanding BBQ sauce recipe.
Dozens of ingredients (well.... a lot)
- bit of a process making it, but well worth the effort.)
- an outstanding BBQ sauce recipe.
Dozens of ingredients (well.... a lot)
- bit of a process making it, but well worth the effort.)
Sleeplessness is so debilitating - it completely undermines my capacity to cope - silly things and simple decisions seem too much.
But now I'm making plans - little day-to-day plans, buying myself flowers, focussing on things to try to enjoy in life.
Of course the prozac could be helping too.....
So today's dillo (No.6) is a Cheerful Dillo - Reasons to be cheerful, in fact, Part 1:

And here is something else thats fun.
And i've decided to take Anthony and the Johnsons off my computer play-list, its just too club-style and has been annoying the hell out of me. I've been enjoying the Foo Fighters tho.....
I nearly met a good friend for meal and drinks this evening but she had to cancel because she's stuck at work. [:0{
(nearly met a friend yesterday too, but failed... I'm due for a haircut tomorrow, hope nothing goes wrong there! there could be a pattern building up this week, droopy tulip and all.... )
But i will go and have a glass of wine, finish my jigsaw puzzle and eat pancakes made by my husband (if he manages to get out of the bath in time). Thence to my nightly lettuce, lavender oil and all, and hopefully sleeeeeeeeeeeep.
Found this today:

Happy Shroving to one and all.
I was told by the checkout lady in Sainsbury's to put a penny in the water and it helps them last. If not snip the stems and plunge the ends of them in boiling water for a couple of seconds. Shocks them into life before they completely wilt!
I'm glad you're getting some sleep. You're right, lack of sleep makes you feel almost psychotic, that's why sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture!!!
I quite like droopy tulips.
i'd heard of the hot-water shock treatment for roses... could try. Seems a bit brutal!
Droopy does look quite nice for a while, but i think its starting to wither now !.......
I'm sorry to drop in on your blog. Hope you don't mind. You sound really cool and I like what you said in your last entry. I'm going through something similar and I know how it feels. Best wishes to you. You probably live next door to me as I live in SE London too.
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