First day of my carefully planned week.
Nearly bottled out of the swim, in a "can't be arsed" sort of way, but i did go and felt great. 50 lengths, i was quite pleased with myself!! though my legs felt slightly wobbly afterwards, and my shoulders ache. Tho' thats probably partly because i carried too much shopping home on the bus.... silly woman, i always do it.
i have a significant goggle problem. I swim mostly crawl and have to have goggles otherwise my eyes hurt and stream afterwards from the chlorine. But they leave deep circles stamped around my eyes.
This picture was taken nearly 2 hours after I came out of the pool - the circles are still there!

So I walked through Woolwich and did my shopping, sure that everyone was looking at me strangely.... Does anyone know a way to avoid this? (the goggle eyes, not the strange looks) (though I'd welcome advice on that too.....)
I thought about putting vaseline around the edges of the goggles - might help? Might just give me greasy as well as weirdly panda eyes.
Well I've quite depressed myself taking pictures of my baggy haggard-looking eyes. Some of the pictures looked far far worse than this... Maybe I really look like this all the time, I've just been in self-denial. I think I'd better go and put on some slap.
Anyway - less depressing is the fact that I slept pretty well last night! It must be the lettuce.
(or possibly the prozac too, i'm feeling more in balance and able to cope, more of the time)
Which reminds me, nothing much in the charity shops, except I did buy a salad spinner. I've been meaning to get one for ages, fed up with the damp tea towel lark. When I remembered the bloody nightly lettuce I nearly took it back to the shop! Still, i suppose there are worse things to go to bed with......
End of the afternoon, I cycled up to the doctor's - only about 10 mins. bike ride, but my legs ached! The swim obviously exercised some muscles that needed it. Then went to the pharmacist for my prescription - i've recently been put on thyroxin, which hopefully will help with the fatigue problem i've had over the last couple of years. I've got a medical exemption card - being on thyroxin for life, i get it free! but discovered that it covers all my prescriptions. I was expecting to pay for the prozac, but it was on the same form and they couldn't process them separately. How much money must the NHS be losing through people like me?
Anyway, it was very shocking - there were new staff in the pharmacist and they explained that the previous owner/manager of the shop was murdered a couple of weeks ago. They don't know how - because the body was burned in/with his car. How awful is that? He was a very friendly, helpful man - just dreadful.
on that happy note, i'll log out! What a downer, sorry!
OMG - is it the pharmacist in the Village? I really liked him. How shocking. Can' believe it. Poor poor bloke.
Is that in the village? blimus that's terrible Lettuce, and I think there's nothing you can do about the strange looks in woolwich, blimus you must be used to that now! Can't stop thinking about the pharmacist, is it the big one that's always been there in the middle?
Its the one at the Standard, - not all that big - just overlooking the green bit with the lovely crocuses. Blimus indeed.
Yeah I know I saw it in my head straight away, been there, but can't remember him, terrible, blimus! Stop fussing about your eyes woman, I'm allergic to the chlorine in france, french chlorine is tougher than british, so swimming is painful and when I come out my eyes are 1000 times worse than your rings, red, running, crying, sneezing, It's a real labour of love swimming here!
see you tomorrow alors
Yes, thats the one. I cycled past today (and it hailed on me!) (the weather that is...) and kept thinking about it.
Anyway, my eyes looked much much worse just after I'd swum - and, in fact, in most of the pics I took, I just couldn't face looking at them every time I looked at my blog!
Ohhhhh I feel soooo left out. I want to come for a coffee and serious drinking session with you girls. Can your cab do a slight detour Trac?
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