Thursday, June 04, 2009

Theme Thursday - Clock

Being as this is England, there are plenty of times when this particular timepiece doesn't function.  Its not much good in cloudy or wet weather. 

But at the moment we are enjoying wonderful summer, plenty of sunshine - and the contemporary pavement sundial is working and even seems to tell roughly the right time.

at Blackheath Standard, nr. Greenwich


Ronda Laveen said...

I am so glad someone (you) did the Sundial aspect. Great contrasts in the photo.

The Silver Fox said...

A sundial! Excellent choice.

mouse (aka kimy) said...

most excellent!!

what a clever sundial!!

I was just asking f last night where our old sundial is, haven't seen it since the last I hope we didn't leave it at the last place!

Tess Kincaid said...

Elegant in it's simplicity.

New Yorker wannabes said...

The picture is just wonderful and creative lol

Have a great day

tony said...

Its True About England+The Sun! Up here in the North today it's overcast.I wish someone would invent a Cloudial!

mum said...

what a great sundial! I love it.

Glad to know there's sun across the Channel also. Enjoy, Letty.

Debo Hobo said...

Oh that is cool, that is actually the first sun dial I've seen.

The Clever Pup said...

This is excellent. I'm inspired now.

Off to look for a phone pole...

Roy said...

That's so cool! It looks like it was impromptu.

ArtSparker said...

Beautiful. Kind of Zen, kind of funny.

Footprints in the sands of time.

Akelamalu said...


Brian Miller said...

very cool find. wonder who did it? was it in jest? nice play.

tut-tut said...

Very soothing photo. Unexpected, too. How very interesting to combine the two.

Wings1295 said...

Wow! So cool! I love that idea! :)

Barbara said...

At least it doesn't need batteries!

Baino said...

That's great! Now I want to go and paint numbers on the pavement near our light pole!

Megan said...

I don't know why this cheered me up so much, but it did so I'm not going to argue!

Thanks, Lettuce!

Lynne said...

Love this! It wouldn't be working in NJ lately. We've had a lot of cloudy and cool weather. Hoping for some sun this weekend!

lettuce said...

thanks everyone.

Poetikat it seems to be pretty weatherproof, so far (despite the quantity of rain)

A cloud dial Tony, thats a provocative idea...
As for English weather, I think thats our summer over now

Baino - do it! go on! :-}
and you'd surely get more use of it down there

Megan, glad if this cheered you up

And Lynne - see comment to Tony above - this timepiece wouldn't have been much use for the last few days

Mrsupole said...

This was a great picture of a sundial type I have never seen. In Southern California we would have enough sun for one, but I am not sure if I ever see any of them here.

Also I was just wondering if in the upper left corner of the picture that is your shadow or the shadow of someone else. I am not sure how the shadow can be there in that spot since the shadow from the sundial is coming from a different direction. Really strange how it could be there.

God bless.

Chick said...

Great photo...please send us some of your sun.

Merisi said...

My brain was a bit clouded over or such, it took me a while to figure out that it was a sundial! ;-)
I have never seen one with such a modern design, very interesting.

Shammickite said...

Nice one!
Chalk? or Paint?
What happens when it rains?

Kris McCracken said...

That is rather cool.

Steve Reed said...
