Missed you lot, thats for sure.
My mum is very ill - I'll be away again this coming week, with her and my Dad. Not very much else is equally/more important at the moment.
But I was home for long enough to:
* catch up a bit on blogging
* water some of the plants in my garden (not all of them. Hose-pipe ban in London, don't you know?)
* go to weaving class and MAKE BUTTONS! yes really! (details/pics on my Niddy Noddy blog) (wonderful Mandy again) [I have a bit of a button fetish, so yes, it is exciting for me.]
* discover that No, M hadn't had enough time (in his 3 whole days) to pop out and buy the extra dye needed to dye an old sheet black for LG (more on this below)
* buy more gin
* do some washing

* fill the bird feeders

* gloat over new shed which arrived before I got home (hehehe. Not yet assembled. Not yet ready for visitors. Soon.)
* nearly have beer with Trac.
* go into loft and pass down to M bits of handed-down carpet (as in handed down from someone else, rather than simply handed-down from the loft) [still with me?] which are destined for ou

Photo of shampooing machine loaned by parents: what a cracking design, eh? Bloody vintage or what?
* Shampoo various bits of carpet. Yes, it did actually function - though it worked its way through a few fuses in the process!!
* do a few bits of WORK. Aaaargh. (as in paid work). Enough of that already.
* catch up a bit more on blogging
* MSN friends I've missed.
* re-charge my phone
* turn dyed {only just in time} black sheet into Grim Reaper costume for LG.
LG was "Death" from the Terry Pratchett discworld books, for book week fancy dress competition at school.
M had managed to make an excellent scythe. (Done in haste on Weds. afternoon, scant hours before my return. What happened to Monday and Tuesday, I want to know?) [No, I don't actually.]
LG and I spent Thursday evening (last minute as ever) constructing v. successful large hour-glass which,

(For other Terry Pratchett readers: I wanted her to take a frying pan in as well - she wouldn't. Hahaha. For non-Terry Pratchett readers: your loss). {The hobbit feet - seen bottom left in this photo - were NOT part of the costume}
The prize went (in her class) to a friend dressed as a dictionary. A very good costume, though not exactly a book character. (but no less so, I suppose, than the numerous Batmans and Karate Kids, and much cleverer than those.) (LG won 2 years ago for a great "Dark Tan" (trap disposal rat) costume - Terry Pratchett again. See - you're really missing something good if you don't read Pratchett.)
LG had a good day, after the initial (and rapidly-rising) panic on the way to school when we didn't, for a while, see any other kids in costume. OH NO!!! What if I've got the wrong day? what if no one else is dressed up? I can't walk down the road, there are people! Somebody might see me! what would you do if I was the only one dressed up? .......
She was fine once we got to the playground and saw lots of other Year 6 children in great costumes. Until the hourglass started coming to bits and spilling cous cous all over the playground..... So, maye not so successful after all?
end of excursus
* go to B&Q with friend and buy paving slabs and painty-wood-preserving stuff for shed. (They didn't have exactly the duck-egg blue I wanted, but got lovely bluey-greeney colour). And lots of other bits and pieces which cost pennies each but mysteriously added up to a horrifying amount.
* go to Boot Fair.

Books and textiles-related stuff, as usual.
But also some shed-related things too. (RHS Veg. book for RW and her allotment).
* fill bird feeders again.
* do more washing.
* start to sort out spare room, ready for arrival of in-laws on 5th. (This, of course, involving still more washing) [and the 5th being the same day that the carpet man will be here oops!]
* take pics, write and post this blog.
Off again tomorrow. I will try to find time to keep up with blogging comments etc. - aged parents have computing technology, but no Broadband... not quite what I'm used to.
Back soon.
LG looks really fab. You've done so much!
I hope you have a good time away.
I'm not working too hard - I'm fine. Just mucking about doing real-time blogs. Great fun.
Didn't do much then, No?
I'll pass on the courgette pickle, If I ever see another courgette again it will be too soon....
Oh I wondered about your shampooer comment over chez Trac. I see now. It's very sexy isn't it. I'd have one of those even though I never do any cleaning. Perhaps I might if I had that.
LG should have won!
Will miss you when you go again. Take care of yourself as well, don't forget.
Hi Lettuce. Sorry I missed you this weekend.
LG's outfit was fabulous! I think that scythe and hour glass were just inspired.
YOu HAVE been busy....looking forward to stair carpet and shed erection!
Phew, I'm exhausted just reading that!
Bloody knackered now. Did too much. Tch! Will I never learn?
Off again now... back in a few days ...
Sorry to hear about your mom; hope she's doing better. Sounds like life is not really slowing down for you.
That is very busy...I do like the costume. She wuz robbed...dictionary indeed.
ok, what energy drink are you on? i need the recipe.
regards to your sick mum - hope she is better soon.
You can have too much fondness you know!
I would've just torn the list and grabbed a glass of wine!
hahaha Cream - well I'm home again for a few days, and thats def. my policy this time.
Thats a busy list. Hope your mums ok. Have a good glass of wine while your home for a few days this time.
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
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