They fixed the fence and attached trellis across the bottom of the garden.

My sister and I, meanwhile, conscientiously
I am now good to go, garden-wise.
And inspired by my friend Mandy's garden.
She has always had a fabulous garden, for as long as I have known her. She now also has a new shed.

Scarcely noticeable as you leave her kitchen door and walk past the patio and pond...

.... but no

this is a girl's shed.

In a good way, of course. Mandy said that my house is a bit like a girl's shed - I took it as a compliment.

Both functional (her lawnmower and other tools etc. are stowed inside too) {and string. Watch my textiles blog for an up-coming post about Mandy's wonderful shed-string. Its about as string-like as her shed is shed-like, she is a textiles guru as well as a gardening guru} and I hope attractive to fairies, this girl's shed has given me inspiration for the newly-available end of my own garden.
I have been on-line ordering my own girl's shed this week and I am now eagerly anticipating its arrival.
We speculated on the possibility of a Baba Yaga shed on chicken legs - but I could find none, not even on the world-wide web, not even for ready money.
There are - imagine my surprise -
Baba Yaga candle holders

Baba Yaga lego

Baba Yaga toys

But no Baba Yaga sheds for sale.
I quite fancy this one:

Mandy found this shed on the web. Could be potentially very girly. Thats about all that can be said for it. Blimey o'reilly. How many of those do you think they sell each year? Though of course, if we did buy one like this, the RWs could come and live in it. But we'd have no garden left at all then.
So - I've ordered one just like hers. I might paint it greenish or duck-egg bluish... what do you think? Bluish or greenish? girly or witchy?
love it love it love it.
Mandy's garden is fabulous.
Such large gaps in my knowledge...i have no idea who baba yaga is/was but I love the idea of chicken legs....can't youfashion some yourself out of chicken wire and papier mache/concrete? Might be slightly prick-hairy-ass (I they say round here).
Loved the idea of you and your sister idly sauntering round the shops while the men sweated and toiled in the heat!! hehehehhe
Ooooh how lovely. I want a girls shed. I would pretentiously call it my studio, hehehe. We have a summer house but it is full of toys and garden furniture.
I would go for duck-egg myself, lovely classic colour :-)
"both sweltered over erections in the heat..."
Girly or Witchy?
Mmmmm... now let's think!?
Yes, even I would chose shopping over watching men sweltering over erections in the heat.
Loads of people have those huge sheds in the Netherlands. They have them at the end of their garden (across the whole width) and rent them out to students etc. So you could get one and have a few hunky students and do a bit of sweltering down the end of your garden with them.
I rather fancied those slide playcentre things that were on that B&Q page.
Although duck egg blue also sounds nice!
What are you like, erections indeedy... I have always loved Mandys garden and many a happy time have i spent with Mandy in her garden... she's fab...oh and Moys garden, she's fab too.... Mandy and Moy,now I am coming over all Le chat and going blubbly thinking about Mandy...
Lubbly bubbly.....
I want a shed, I want a girls shed you can help me erect one if you want...
Oooh... a pink one perhaps!?
How about rainbows and flowers, pictures of Jimi Hendrix and a 'make love, not war' sign?
Nice duck egg. Baba Yaga's hut is truly, delicously, terrifying. (Though not in lego)
I want a shed now.
i'm just impressed as all get-out that you can so casually and easily slip baba yaga into the post.
if you go for baba yaga-ish shed you'll need a picket fence with skulls around the shed. i'm not sure that's best.
So you don't want to look after my pets slugs when I go away then?
Yes, lets do lunch! Next week perhaps?
LG would SO LOVE a fence with skulls!
It is bijou, isn't it?
Actually, her lawnmower IS in there, hanging down the side. My lawnmower wont fit, but I hope some deckchairs will... and some string...
I think its primarily a shed for embellishment and for sitting and drinking tea.
Duck egg blue is a nice colour I agree but could be a seaside theme -ish. How about something slightly greener? From the 'Farrow and Ball' range? (Sainsbury's homebase do F&B, but B&Q don't - but they do do the 'New England' paints which are nice - but watery. Am I rambling? I think I might be....
Perhaps, when it's ready, you can invite me round for a shed-warming party and I'll bring you an Elvis Aitfresher to hang up in it!?
Ooooh look at your garden. Look at your shed. They are marvellous. I like those shells and bits and pieces on the shed.
Sorry I haven't been around as much. Busy and a bit tired. But fine.
Have a lovely weekend. And get out into that beautiful garden.
Great garden...
Love that little spot with table and chairs and parasol! Could be anywhere! Beautiful!
Not my garden, (or shed) sorry, can't take the credit.
Its an inspiration to me tho.....
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