Firstly a couple more pics. of my beautiful beloved roses:
I almost didn't buy this rose because its called Schoolgirl. I ask you - "Schoolgirl" - for goodness sake!

Its actually a fairly modern rose, but with the look of an old cabbage rose and some scent. And the colour is more peachy than it looks here. Its supposed to climb but hasn't yet had much of a chance, being swamped by other more vigorous plants.
My garden is somewhat permissive - almost anything which roots itself is given a chance. Theres no such thing as weeds, just a couple of things which I don't welcome. This Spring my

I heartily recommend this gardening style, which can be satisfactorily excused as "naturalistic" or as a "cottage garden".
This second white rose is imaginatively called "White Cloud". Still, probably a better naming than Schoolgirl, or indeed Golden Showers (thanks Molly! I'll never look at that one in the same way again).
Its a very lovely ice-creamy sort of rose. Really good, expensive, organic ice cream made with real vanilla pod.

And finally (for now)(with reference to the roses that is) this is my Graham

Second, about time for another armadillo. Yes, there are still a few still to make their debut - had you forgotten about the dillos? shame on you! (if you're familiar with my blog) {if not, you have some excuse for not knowing what on earth I am talking about} and the last one (still to come) is parti

This is, according to my reckoning, No. 26 and its a Wade whimsy dillo. Slightly slug-like, but not enough to cause me too much anxiety.
Not so much a quick blog then, after all. Even for those of us less naturally inclined to ramble than others, blogging seems to foster rambling abilities...
but this is finally final, as well as being
Quiz of the week - Alien Artefacts
Animal, vegetable or mineral?
Whatever on earth are these?

Your only clue (for starters, at least) is:
My daughter, LG, is responsible for them (in the sense of creating them, not in the sense of taking responsibility to NOT leave them lying, littering, lurking all around the house just lately).
What are my husband's fingernail and toenail clippings doing at your house Let? Is there something you're not telling me?
they do look like clippings, ewwwwwwwwwwwww.
Or petals that have shaped over her fingers?
Lovely Graham Thomas Lettie! (and other flowers)
They make me feel ill.
Yes, I agree I would say wax, though who would have a flesh coloured candle?
I'd say wax petals too
I often do something similar when I'm bored at the dinner table...
I grab a bit of candlewax and play with it...
My art doesn't always smell of roses...
Yep I'm up for wax fingertips too. I used to do this constantly as a child. I was obsessed with the open fire, wax, candles, of which we had many as we had no electricity or gas, just candles.
Meant to say nice roses :-)
I suppose I should go with the flow re the horrid things. Unless they are part of an ood of course.
As for the roses, I'm not sure if I am just feeling Andy Brown but they seem to be out to get me, following me down the street, trying to spike me with their thorns. I wonder if Andy Brown is a Graham Austen rose too?
ood? isn't that something to do with design software???
hahaha - no, I don't think he's a rose. Though sometimes quite prickly its true.
Could we henceforth forthwith abbreviate this to AB? you know, just in case he's googling himself.... or is that too AB of me?
i thought wax fingertips too.
i love the roses.
i want to live in your garden.
i can't decide which rose i like best. must have ALL of them.
my miniature yellows on the balcony seem to doing ok so far. but i would so love a wild, rambling, climbing-up-over-the balcony-and-trailing-down rose.
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