Trac, Molly and RW were here last night for G&Ts: RW who would probably have been here anyway, Trac who I'd met a few times (at Tats) but might never have seen again or got to know any better without blogger, and Molly who I probably would never have met at all were it not for my initiation into the blogosphere.
You've got to love that CyberReality.
Molly and Trac were able to claim their prizes for a blog meme-quiz earlier this year, by conferring names on their favourite armadillos : Mollydillo

(sorry the picture is a bit fuzzy, this was the 3rd large G&T)
and Tracadillo (or HippyRockDilloFlower,
if you prefer):

and Kingadillo who unfortunately looks rather small and insignificant in this picture.
Molly and Trac were both surprised that the dillos are smaller in real life than they thought. What did you expect? a house full of life-sized armadillos? What can you have imagined my house to be like!!!! hahaha
So here the King Dillo is in supersize glory, also fully accessorized:

I must go and find something to do, before I get maudlin because they've all gone now....
Off to download some Zombies from iTunes.
Cool downloading the Zombies... but what about pics of faces, people, drunk??? got any, i'd pay good money?
Hee hee. They came out well didn't they? That one of Trac is very bizarre makes my head feel funny. It seems as though it should be viewed the other way up. She was so cool. I wonder if Dons will like the bag!! I hope so.
No Tat...we were very good and sensible. No drunken faces today..but perhaps another time!
I loved those dillos but couldn't get over how different they were in 'real' life! I wanted to take mine home.
Tatty....we deliberately didn't do the drunk faces. Mine looked like 'the rising sun' (as my mother would say) after three LARGE gin and tonics. But a great time was had by all and we even met the lovely Nick and Trac's two wonderful boys.
I have said it on Trac's blog and I'll say it again. I wish I'd been able to meet you all *sigh* one day.
Yes Molly I did love your bag and your gorgeous rings. I do like big jewellery.
I would have liked to have seen faces too, drunken full moons, rising suns etc are the best sort :-)
Oh Molly - those gorgeous rings - I love them. Way to go.
Lettuce - is it your birthday today? Tat has a happy birthday song for you...if so...Happy Birthday - may bit be wonderful.
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