Not at the time though, it was bloody hard today. (well, usually is....)
We were working on standing - pressing feet into the ground, stretching from the little toe back along the right hand side of the foot to the heel - whilst not lifting the big-toe side of the foot - lifting and sucking up the ankle bones, lengthening (but NOT sucking up) the arches and puffing out the space between the inner ankle-bone and the heel.
Try it. Go on, I dare you.
That last bit - the puffing-out bit - made no sense to me at all. The rest of it strangely did, but it was extremely strenuous. Its quite extraordinary how a very small change of stance can be felt (painfully) all over the body. All this obscure foot work really worked all the muscles in my legs.
We then did some of this:

- pressing feet into the ground, stretching from the little toe back along the right hand side of the foot to the heel - whilst not lifting the big-toe side of the foot - lifting and sucking up the ankle bones, lengthening (but NOT sucking up) the arches and puffing out the space between the inner ankle-bone and the heel.
Most of us weren't looking anything like as glamorous as this woman on the right, I didn't notice anyone smiling quite so much and we certainly weren't standing on those funny block things. Doesn't one of them have wheels under it? Whats that all about, then?
All this foot work was also particularly uncomfortable because of the blisters on my heels from yesterday.
I'll probably end up with "secretary's heel", a malaise seen especially in the City this time of year, as lots of women wear obviously-uncomfortable strappy sandals to work, accessorised with plasters to stop them rubbing.
My feet (and legs) are enjoying a good rest now, thankyou.
I was looking at that picture thinking 'is that woman mad? Not only doing a painful yoga position but also doing it on a wheeled thing which clearly is going to roll away thus splitting her in two. People do anything for yoga.
Secretary's heel? Is that another made up word like nerding?
Dear God. That does look daft. I know it's good for you and all that but it just doesn't look natural.
And yes, it does have wheels on it doesn't it? Surely she'd be doing the splits.
None of my secretaries wear strappy sandals.
man, look and them gams!
Does that think have breaks? Looks like she's gonna split her difference!
Is that hair or a bale of hay?
The whole thing looks so unnatural and painful!
I don't think you can be doing proper yoga if you haven't got those box things ;)I'm sure it stretches you in all the right places, so long as you don't fall over...
Thank you to GOW for record-nerd-comfirmation!
I still think that these pics are alternative positions for child birth.
Whatever rocks your boat as they be honest, I'm quite jealous. You are so slim and perfect, you don't need to go to yoga. But, it is supposed to be great for you. I'm full of admiration for you...
You're welcome pg
Us on the wagon wouldn't have a clue what being drunk feels like. Can't wait until the 18th!
Just popped in to see your tunes, she cracks me up!
childbirth? aaarggh, doesn't bear thinking about. Possibly better than splitting the difference though....
Yes, "Secretary's heel" is a colloquialism hitherto known only to myself and M - but now, of course, to all you lot!
Have you done "the tree" pose Yet? Its soo hard to stand still with a leg off the floor.
I have Mama's Clunky feet heels now...
Hmmmm I STILL miss my yoga. Starting Pilates on Wednesday though, can't wait!
Ohmigod, yoga gets me into such a rage! It really has the opposite of the desired effect on me. I just so frustrated when I don't understand what the instructor could possibly be meaning.
Well my dear lettuce heart, I am no expert on bakelite but I've seen a bit in my life and it looks and feels like bakelite... yes I think Titch is a good mixture of all the girls, she's a bunny, I'm sure it's really boring though watching my films, well in that case I will post another, I like to be a bore! I was thinking of you the other day. I had a dream and I thought of you and lot's of things.. How's things???
I'll admit to being slim, thats as far as I'll go. And, pg, I can't bear to think that the wheeled-trolley thing is necesssary for proper yoga.
And I quite often don't understand what she's on about, Miss Jay - I just pretend!
Can't you post something new? I hate visiting and seeing the heading "Feet". Feet are nearly as bad as farts.
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