Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Tribute Dillos

In honour of TRAC, who won my made-up meme:

From henceforward and for all time, this armadillo will be known as Tracadillo (no, its still dillo not dildo).

In tribute to BETTY who came up with the made-up meme in the first place, with her usual wonderful creativity (and whose answers were the funniest), let me introduce Betty Slug Dillo (its ok, Betty likes slugs):

And finally, this dillo has made a make-over (pimp my dillo?), also in honour of Trac. I'm sure he needs no introduction:



ramblingwoman said...

hahahha very funny. Love the kingadillo!

So is that the end of the dillos? What next? Penguins?

lettuce said...

No, theres a few more dillos to come.

Oh yes, we could do penguins next!!! LG has at least 30

Tanya said...

hahahaha, that is one cool Kingadillo!

The fabric of my life said...

Hahahahaha fabuloso!

Anonymous said...


Identikit said...

You've made her very happy I can see. Let's hope Betty is as pleased with her Slug Dillo.

How did I miss out on this Dillo winning then? Did I enter? Perhaps I was disqualified on a technicalidillo?

Molly Bloom said...

I loved your Elvis dillo - how fantastic is that?

I still love my sluggy dillo though - he is gorgeous. Very squidylicious.