Monday, February 22, 2010


Our London forecast for this week:

As my old Grandad used to say :

whether the weather be cold
or whether the weather be hot
we must weather the weather
whatever the weather
whether we like it or not.

True 'nuff.


Ronda Laveen said...

Your granny was wise and I love her saying. Looks like you might get one nice day this week.

Sue Guiney said...

Ugh. And that's certainly what it's doing outside my window right now. But at least the temperature is moving in the right direction.

Lynne said...

Letty we are kind of expecting similar weather but they are talking SNOW instead of RAIN. Well, maybe some heavy rain/sleet/snow sort of mix. Not a good week to try and get much done in the elements!

Akelamalu said...

That's true but aren't we getting SICK of it now? :(

Tess Kincaid said...

Being the queen of ditties that I am, I am surprised to say this one is totally new to me...and sooo delicious.

tut-tut said...

White clouds, though. That counts for something, doesn't it??

Unknown said...

Better rain than snow! I have had my fill of snow for the winter.

Giulia said...

I'll try to sing it as the rain pours down today, tomorrow, & perhaps snow later in the week here. Trying out new space heater that arrived Sat. afternoon via FedEx. Won't help if I lose power again (for over 7 days, grrr), but might render fingerless gloves unnecessary most days.

ciao, lettuce

Rinkly Rimes said...

I remember that poem too! And it looks as though you've got a week of weathering the weather ahead of you! Rather you than me. I love your old family portraits!

ArtSparker said...

I think the lil Edward Munch guy should be inserted into those weather frames, with his shrieking mouth getting larger and larger with the passage of days...

e said...

Well, your grandad's poem is apt for the times as well as the elements. Sounds like you may need to break out the wellies if you haven't already...

Thanks for the e-mail. Will send reply tomorrow.

Megan said...

I like it. Sounds like something out of Now We Are Six. :)

Tom said...

yuck. Your weather is as crummy as ours. Now I don't feel so bad.

Baino said...

I know it's not quite the right month but my Dad used to say "Whoever said Oh to be in England now that April's here was out of the country at the time!"

Jasmine said...

I don't like that forecast! Your grandads expression is a wonderful tongue twister :) x

Anonymous said...

heehee great saying, my grandad used to rhyme that off too.. always made me chuckle :o)
hope you're keeping well, thanks for popping by to say hello, will hopefully get back into the swing of things soon and catch up properly!

herhimnbryn said...

I shall try and remember your Grandad's saying this week in Oz...39-42 degrees!

Shammickite said...

I think my grandad said that too. Often.

Ed & Jeanne said...

Looks exactly like Portland weather. I like to say "wherever you are, there will be weather..."