Oh I can spot a cat within a tiny thumbnail...or at 200 feet, at dusk -- half hidden by shrubbery (according to friends & family). So cute, so cute. Logan is one darling & smart cat.
He has some cousins here who would not only lie beneath, but would get frazzled at the mere site of wool. I have an unfinished sweater that has a bite taken out of it.
I'm mainly posting photographs without words at the moment. Theme Thursday helps to keep me blogging and I hope to return to Sepia Saturday before too long.
I enjoy reading your comments and apologise if I don't find the time to reciprocate.
Details of my other habits are on a strictly need-t0-know basis.
Well he certainly knows how to make himself comfy! LOL
So cute, he looks very toasty.
I hope you had a wonderful holiday season xx
Oh I can spot a cat within a tiny thumbnail...or at 200 feet, at dusk -- half hidden by shrubbery (according to friends & family). So cute, so cute. Logan is one darling & smart cat.
Clever kitty. Logan knows the best place to be when it's cold and snowy outside.
Don't start making little outfits for him. I posted a inventive cosy cat yesterday
I love him!!! I would carry him around like a baby.
NOw that's a snugglepuss. Green? Looks gold to me?
Cats are smart! They know how to avoid the chillies!
Oh dear Letty, some spammer is holding your comments hostage here! I hate spammers!
Logan is so cute. Cats know how to keep warm, that's for sure. His expression is pure kitty bliss!
He's a beautiful cat! Must be smart too.
He's beautiful and smart. I bet he's got a lovely personality.
He does Akelamalu. Well, of course. He's a cat.
I did Jasmine - hard to get back to work. Hope you did too.xx
hello giulia, i'm sure you can!
actually Shammi, sometimes he spends surprising amounts of time wandering in the snowy garden. And comes back with cold cold paws.
ArtSparker, shall immediately abandon plans for little snow suit. Shall also come over and look.
Liza, he has some experience of that...
Baino, they are def. on the gold-green spectrum
he likes megan!
tis true, Kat and Steve, subconsciously inherited knowledge I think
Lynne I've only recently started getting spam. Holding out against word verif. so far...
Barbara, and Anon - he is - and he has! He's a real sweetie, actually.
Yes, his eyes do match! I think this is one of the best "cat" photos I've ever seen! Truly.
I want to be as comfy as he is.
He is adorable...and so clever to have made this cozy bed for himself! He looks about to drift off to the land of catching mice...
He has some cousins here who would not only lie beneath, but would get frazzled at the mere site of wool. I have an unfinished sweater that has a bite taken out of it.
heehee.. snug :)
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