Yes, I know there are lots of differences. Not least of course the weather.
But theres one difference which took me by surprise. When I'd eventually worked it out ....
Clever, huh?
Now, where did that come from?
And here it is by night..... just because.
Hi Letty, Hope your family Easter was as good as it could be.
I know about this tower don't I. I like the night photo with the moody clouds.
Take care of your self and treat yourself to some Green & Blacks. xxx
Still looking for the difference.... but then, I never was very bright!
They're probably building a mobile phone mast cleverly disguised as a church spire!
The scaffolding looks so delicate in all the pics, as if it were a construction of pick up sticks or tinker toys. Marvelous images!!
Great photos; looks like it's coming down or going up, depending . . .
aspic gazpacho? cold tomato soup? jellified?
ha ha! i knew you'd get that. hope you're alright. i will get round to emailing you....surgery on friday so i have an excuse to do nothing for a few days after!
We need to figure out how to get the child excited about her blog...
(those scaffolding always make me nervous- how can that be SAFE?!)
OK, I'm an idiot. Where is this and which church is it?
Wonder how the the spire finial was lost in the first place? They did that recently with GGScott's Martyrs Memorial in Oxford....new top because a) everyone knows it was meant to be there, b) they expect to see it when they look at the structure, and c) it's Victorian and therefore the destructive properties of time are not seen to contribute significantly to the overall aesthetic.
Great pictures again!Thank you for stopping in my blog ;O) !
Highly inspiring Photography!
Are you guys making fun of my tomato aspic?! :)
I guess the difference is the steady progression of the steeple, right? It does look a bit unstable, I have to say.
Is is being built or demolished?
ooh we've been rumbled....
What is Pod on about?
i took some bricks for you-
but they're not in bath,
so what am i to do?-
ain't she nosey, that rambler?
I took the first picture cos I was fascinated by the scaffolding, especially all the bits at the top which seemed surplus to requirements. (just like pick up sticks, Reya!) I took the second cos the weather was so much better. And it took me some time to realise that there is more scaffolding and indeed more spire in the second picture.
So - its being/been built. No doubt for the reasons Donna has cleverly intuited. (heehee) (actually, signals in Greenwich are very intermittent....)
No, it doesn't look safe. I took some vid. of builders going up and down the scaffold, but it didn't come out very well.
OK James. Why are you an idiot? I knew you'd have a satisfying technical view on this. The Church is Our Lady Star of the Sea (great name, huh?), RC church, on Crooms Hill Greenwich.
and how nice! brick pics for me! um.... could you pretend they are Bathian?
Yes, Pod, isn't she? I'll have words with her. (heehee MSN face to you, RW)
or, James, take your blog for a day out!
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