Sunday, October 17, 2010

Beautiful Kerala 4 - SPICES

Kerala is an amazingly prolific part of the world. Almost everything good seems to grow there....

We made a list part-way through our holiday of the spices (and other things) we had seen growing during our holiday

it was a long list

pepper, tea, ginger, curry, cinnamon, papaya, cocoa, sandalwood, turmeric, cardamom, coffee, tree tomatoes, chilli, aubergine, green beans, nutmeg, vanilla, rue, allspice, mahogany, clove, coconut, jackfruit, banana, coconut, pineapple, paddy (rice), tapioca, rubber

and we certainly didn't see everything growing which is produced there.

Truly a land of plenty, in some ways.


tony said...

It's Sunday Morning.I Sit drinking my a cup of char & looking at your fine photographs.What a frightening mass of chillies!!!!

Steve Reed said...

Beautiful! I don't even recognize a lot of that stuff -- I wouldn't know most spices unless they're ground up in a jar with a McCormick's label. :)

Roy said...

I'll bet that place smelled wonderful! Great shots.

Brian Miller said...

very nice...what wonderful textures you captured...ah roy is right...i bet the smell was amazing...

Tom said...

terrific macros! i have just discovered how nice a little ginger tastes in a cup of tea.

Akelamalu said...

The smell of a spice market is just heavenly isn't it? :)

Anonymous said...

I can almost feel the aroma wafting across - great pics.

ArtSparker said...

Star anise is the most beautiful seed in the world, I believe.

ArtSparker said...
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mouse (aka kimy) said...

gorgeous shots!

i can imagine the aroma.


Betsy Brock said...

gorgeous photos!

aubergine? That one I didn't know!

Marilyn & Jeff said...

Fabulous photos - how wonderful to live in a world full of spices!

Nanc Twop said...

It is damp enough to grow moss on top of that first wall? - Wow, wonder how difficult it is for them to dry all those spices, then.

Those are some truly lovely photos.

Thanks for sharing. :)

Megan said...

I was rhapsodizing about oregano earlier this evening. The offspring was looking at me funny. All hail the spices!

Lovely, lovely photos. So happy for you that you got to take such a trip!

Grumpy Old Woman said...

Wonderful photos xxxx

Baino said...

Wow I can almost smell these. I have an Indian grocery in my little neck of the woods but no clue what all the spices are to be used for.

e said...

I love trying new spices and these look wonderful!

sue said...

:))gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous photos..i can almost smell all the wonderful aromas. i love (even just the memories) of the sights, sounds and smells experienced in far off lands..
