Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sepia beach 3

The next generation on from my last sepia beach photos - and the other side of the family.

This is my mum on the donkey, in the sea at Folkestone in the late 1930's. My mum's scrap-book notes on these pictures say that family holidays were taken in Folkestone until the war began.

With her mum, her brother Vic and his wife Anne.

Vic was in the RAF, and came safely through the war. He and Anne married in 1942 - it must have been a long and difficult courtship and first few years.

And below, Mum with her older (step)cousin Lily. My great Aunt Edie became Lily's step-mother - her first sweetheart died in the first world war. She married Lily's father (a widower) in 1942.

More sepia photos over at Sepia Saturday


Elizabeth Seaver said...

I love hearing your family's story and seeing it in pictures.

Anonymous said...

Fun photos - I love your Mum on the donkey and all the activity going on in the background. You are very fortunate to have these wonderful family photos. Thanks for sharing them with us. Have a great weekend.

Alan Burnett said...

Another priceless collection. And I just love Felix.

Martin said...

An amazing insight into relationships and family life, in just a few photographs. Such is the magic of Sepia Saturday.

Vicki Lane said...

Such great pictures! I love your mum's dubious expression from atop the donkey.

Tattered and Lost said...

Very fun shots. And oh how bathing suits have changed!

Nancy said...

The photo of your mom on the donkey is wonderful, but I'm really taken with the last photo of your mom and Edie. I love their smiles, their confidence, and their swimsuits. Fun post for a hot summer day!

North County Film Club said...

Love the photo of your mom and Felix, even though neither of them looks very happy. ( I'm sure they were, though!)

Pat said...

I do not think I have ever before seen a donkey photo on the beach and how serious she, your Mum is, almost as if she is saying, "what do you mean I can't ride this donkey on the sand?" ! Nice photos!

Sean Bentley said...

Great photos. We were just at Ocean Shores (Washington coast) and they had horses for beach-riding. We opted for scooters instead!

Terri said...

Wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing!

herhimnbryn said...

Have just wandered through your last few posts. Such wonderful family images Lettuce Lady. How good to be able to look at those pictures and know people's names.

I also enjoyed your series of images entitled 'help'. I'd forgotten how truck drivers in the UK 'rescue' discarded toys and give them new homes on their trucks!

Anonymous said...

That picture of your mum on the donkey is priceless. Great post.

Baino said...

fantastic . . I didn't think I was THAT old but I remember wearing a rubber swimming helmuty thing and donkey rides on the beach!

Bruno LalibertΓ© said...

the donkey on the beach is too funny, but was your mom annoyed by the donkey or being photographed? i see no stir-ups... maybe that's why she looked so serious, not wanting to fall off.

Akelamalu said...

Great photos. This brought back fond memories for me of holidays in Folkstone :)