Saturday, June 26, 2010


Auntie Queen - as in my previous post last week for Sepia Saturday
More sepia beach photos to come over the next few Saturdays.


Lynne said...

What an absolutely glam photo! Your Auntie Queen was a stunner!

Look at at that parasol! I wonder what color it was. I also love the man included in the shot--it adds a a certain extra allure to the photo.

--- look at the way he's dressed at the beach!

Giulia said...

Wonderful. Your auntie was quite a character. And I covet the parasol (but not in a materialistic creepy manner).

Nancy said...

What a glamour girl your aunt was. Look at the braclet on her upper arm. It's hard to believe the man sitting beside her can keep his concentration on his newspaper. (He probably wasn't - just trying to!) That's a very fun and beautiful photograph!

Christine H. said...

O.K., let me just say it...I have family envy. What I would give to have a photo of a glamorous and exotic person who was actually related to me. Wow.

Alan Burnett said...

That is a fabulous photograph. I love the way in which your Aunt stands out against the background : sharp and so perfectly framed by that parasol. The whole photograph just screams out "happiness"

Akelamalu said...

Lovely photo, Queen looks so stylish!

Gary said...

She looks fabu but the man behind her must be hot!

Barbara said...

I love the way people used to dress up to go to the beach. Were they there just to pose for pictures? I'm with Gary -- they both must be HOT!

Enchanted Oak said...

Wow. How fabulous to have such delightful photos in your family's past. She's beautiful.

Unknown said...

Ditto to all the comments already made, Queen dressed for the beach indeed! I have nothing like that in my archives. It could not have been refreshing to be so dressed and surely not ready for the dip in the waters! Very nice

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

lovely blue items!