Thursday, July 23, 2009


These are the shoes my daughter has been wearing to school since last September.
Come rain, shine, frost, snow...

I can't say that I'm happy about her choice but she has strenuously resisted any suggestion that more weatherproof shoes would be a good idea. Almost all other schoolgirls of her generation are wearing these slippery and insubstantial bits of tat and we gave in on this one rather than fight.

We took sensible shoes very seriously when she was little, and here is the first pair she ever wore for walking in, when she was about a year old:

Its ironic that she seems to be conforming to peer behaviour in relation to her school shoes, when her other clothing choices are far less conformist.

Her new rock boots were a combined birthday (or possibly Christmas) present about 18 months ago, when she was 13:

This picture of them is consistently one of my most viewed photos on flickr.

How times change.


R.L.Bourges said...

always wise to choose your battles with a teenager. Come to think of it, always wise to chooe your battles, period.

(time flies, doesn't it?)

mouse (aka kimy) said...

I think if I had the pair of shoes lg has been wearing since last september, I too may be reluctant to wear an other pair. they look delightfully comfortable!

I must say I share the same approach to wearing shoes....

love all the contrasting shoe shots and the last one ...priceless!!

Harnett-Hargrove said...

How times change. INDEED. -Jayne

Lynne said...

Time do indeed change. My baby shoes now sit on my dresser—cast in bronze as was so popular back then. My shoes were sturdy things that came up around my ankles. They don't make them like that anymore. ;)

Cute post!

r. said...

Ahaha, those boots remind me of something what a KISS band member would wear. Funny.

One thing's for sure: Your daughter certainly has a very distinguished style of her own.

Alan Burnett said...

Nice post. Yes it is amazing how quickly kids grow up.

Akelamalu said...

Yep, there comes a point when fashion takes over!

ArtSparker said...

Wow, Those boots look like part of a transformer toy, only larger.

Betsy Brock said...

Love those tiny mary sweet!

Debo Hobo said...

WOW! Times have changed her style. Cool boots.

Steve Reed said...

LOL! I remember that photo of those boots!

Her shoes don't look too insubstantial. I've seen worse! Flip-flops, for example.

Shammickite said...

I see you still treasure your newer Flower Fairies books and your old and tattered Beatrice Potter books, I have all mine, in much the same state of disarray..... lovely.
And those purple and black boots are from Outer Space for sure.

Brian Miller said...

ha. love the rock boots. my how those feet have grown...nice that you hold onto those shoes to go with the memories.

Anonymous said...

Amazing. The size of feet and shoes and boots.

Pick a Peck of Pixels

California Girl said...

You could have your daughter's shoes bronzed like Baino did!

The Silver Fox said...

Nice counterpoint in that last shot.

Anonymous said...

Ach! We had a guy in the Army had a similar pair( but red instead of the purple ). But they wouldn't do for inspections, HA! Charming post, lettuce :)

Barbara said...

You are so wise not to make shoes an issue. As tempting as it is to say "You can avoid seeing a podiatrist later in life by considering what you put on your feet," you realize it is best to let her figure that out for herself. I think it's so great that you saved her first real pair of shoes in their final condition!

herhimnbryn said...

I had to wear Clarkes Sandals in the summer and brown lace ups in the winter until I was nearly 14!

I adore those boots. Are they heavy to wear?

Chick said...

I'm a lover of Mary Jane's so I love her shoes. It's so sweet that you have her little shoes on your shelf that way...I love it.

Those are some killer boots.

Baino said...

Lettuce I posted about 'first shoes' as well! Gorgeous little feet! Mind you the Rock Boots are something else. Wouldn't mind a pair myself but I'm not sure the'd deal with it in the office!

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Oh those boots are MOST EXCELLENT! A bit different than her first walkers huh?

lettuce said...

indeed time flies and changes and... a bit too fast for me!

ArtSparker - they are, just like that!
and hhh - they are VERY heavy - they have significant bits of metal built into them, esp on the soles.

tut-tut said...

Oh, I have a tiny pair of shoes of L's, tucked into the cedar chest . . .