Logan has been helping me with some college work.
He finds the essays quite comfortable, which is something in their favour,

and sometimes they can even be fun.
Not as much fun, however, as watching mice through the window
Which, in turn, is not as much fun as catching them and then playing.
Logan thinks mice are the Best Toys Ever.
If essays scampered and slithered around the way mice do, Logan might find higher education tastier - you think?
HA! This is why it's so silly to buy cat toys. (Not that I never do!) Cats love to play with everything!
LOVE the tail in that last video. Hysterical!
The tail is great. I tried to make Bosco watch but she is not very cooperative. Must try the rubber bands with her.
"Hmm... Rubberband? Mouse? Rubberband?!? Mouse?!? Oh I can't decide and... oright, a mouse is much more fun! Now LET. ME. OUT!!!!"
So who spotted the mouse first -- you or Logan? Very cool tail action. This seems like a cat I might actually like!
The video was fun. I'm afraid though if I spotted a mouse in my garden I would never go outside the back door again!!
Video was so funny...
Can Logan come and help me with filing...?;-)
great portraits of logan and the vids! priceless.... my cats love watching mouse tv - as I call our mice, but here, logan has mice in situ!
Gorgeous sequence of pics, Lettuce.
You are right, Logan, mice are the best toys ever! Even my grandson Callum thinks so.... he caught a baby mouse by it's tail last week.... yes... a live one!
Have been enjoying the cat-banjo-playing-with-rubber-bands-around-manuscript here for many moons.
You haven't lived until the cat brings the mouse inside for the final fracas—and you are across the house and don't realize what all the racket is. Birds are good, too, especially when you don't quite realize that it's feathers you're seeing . . .
Sent over by herhimnbryn, apparently because our cats are distant cousins.
Love the tail action, saw Moby do that once when he saw a rat out the window.
e mail soon.
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