My mind does sometimes shut down these days, as if to tell me that its done enough thinking lately and has nipped out for a break, leaving the office unattended.
It could, of course, be age-related but I prefer to think that this is another symptom of my newly discovered and greatly-prized ability to say "NO" sometimes.
Or else maybe the physical therapies of messing about in the dirt, cleaning windows and sorting out storage problems has lulled the poor tired grey cells (I prefer to think of them as green, actually) into a happy trance from which they are reluctant to emerge.
And rather than try to kick-start them into activity, I shall just lapse into silence now and leave you with whichever random recent photo takes my fancy:

cranes in central London, near the British Museum
and with this from my latest music discovery, Bat for Lashes, who I think is just FANTASTIC:
Cranes, hey! Reminds of someone . . . I'll try to sift through it and come up with a name . . .
oh yeah, can identify completely
crane view is like a scene from a sci-fi movie!!
bats with lashes, quite ethereal...refreshing to see an all women group... great stage presence (and costumes)musically talented and a bit reminiscence of kate bush with a heavy dose of bjork thrown in.... thanks for the head's up
The weather is becoming much more conducive to getting out to work in the garden. It is such a wonderful therapy, relaxing AND exhausting. Now that the sun is shining longer and spring break is looming I plan to spend a day or two with my hands in the dirt, gazing up at the sky every so often and listening to the birds fight in the vines. Can't wait.
Oh, and learning to say 'no' every once in a while is a grand thing.
'green cells' - I like that! specially since green was definitely the color on my mind when I woke up.
The view of the cranes is also fantastic. Thanks for the intro to Bat for Lashes. The lyrics reminded me of the sweet, sweet poney I met yesterday.
Enjoy the garden, letty.
Like mechanical arms swinging in the night air... Lovely!
Great photo. Those cranes are massive - I didn't realise they were near the British Museum. You can see them from the South Bank (unsurprisingly, when I think about it!)
Bat for Lashes are cool. I think they're playing at Latitude this summer.
There's nothing quite like gardening for lulling brain cells. :)
I really liked the music... but did anyone else find that the visual and audio weren't in sync? Made my brain hurt so I just closed my eyes and listened!
Dennis LOVES Natasha Kahn! She is SO talented and she dresses up so fabulously!
I love the intricate detail in the photo. The stark contrast is great. Seems like the new computer is working well!
Natasha reminds me of a young Annie Haslam, altho they are very different the vibe is similar.
Yesterday (around 4) I enjoyed a nice cup of tea and a sit down. think I'll do the same today. thank you (photo on Blog) xx
Hmm, I know this feeling well... :-)
(And yes, I know I owe you an email!)
LOVE that crane shot - just perfect!
hmmm Tut-tut, wonder who that might be....
Kimy definately a bit kate bush, a bit bjork but also quite distinctive. I've just got her new album which i'm enjoying too
gary i hope you are having a great break
rlb, "grey" just seems so.... uninspiring, doesn't it?
ta robert
betty they are a real feature of the london skyline at the moment aren't they?
indeed, Ake'lulu
Shammickite, so sorry to give you brain ache
dennis has good taste
Barbara it is, thanks!
Squirrel, i must google Annie haslam
Avid Reader - theres nothing like it :-)
AV, take your time
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