Regents Park tube station, London
Well this has now become a proper blog break, though I'm intending it will be only brief.
In addition to "life" pre-occupations and a week-long visit of the in-laws, my computer has finally given up the ghost and refuses to respond to any kind of coaxing.
Feeling more than a little monetarily reckless and irresponsible - given our uncertain employment future - we have nonetheless ordered a new one for me. Computers have become so central to both our work and other important aspects of life....
... justifications over...
I'm just looking forward to its arrival, and I fully intend to return to full and proper blogging once it is in place and all set up.
We'll be here waiting!
Lovely photo. What time of day was this taken? It looks very expectant, waiting for people to start pouring through the corridor.
Computers are essential. Have a nice break! See you when you get back. :)
I love the stairs - Very St. Patrick's Day!
Don't worry about the break, we can wait, and you can cath your breath, oh and computers are essential for our mental health, IMHO...
Spring is just around the corner. And there's always Twitter. At least that's what Sally C. tells me . . .
Beautiful shot. (And the light at the end of this tunnel is clearly not that of an oncoming train.)
Happy new computer, letty.
I wouldn't have thought anyone could make a tube station look attractive but you have!
We'll be waiting for you when you get your new PC set up. :)
wow, that is a FABULOUS PHOTO!!! I love architectural photos like that. I feel like I am there. Did you take this photo? Can I purchase a print of it? seriously!!
That computer of yours has been threatening for a while now. I'm glad you bit the bullet and ordered a new one.
The Queen could eat off that wall (If it weren't for gravity). Impressive corridor, lovely photo.
nice photo. sent a small pkg your way this afternoooon.
Lucky you to have it all to yourself. Great photo. Dizzy :) :)
How did you manage to get that photo with nobody around? Did you shout "FIRE!" and then get the camera out?
Sad about your computer's demise, but oh joy! to have a new one ordered. Looking forward to more of your thoughts, both written and pictorial.
Looking forward to your full and proper return to blogging!
Perfect picture, Lettuce.
see you when you return to the cyberhood!
hope you were able to save all your files from the recently deceased computer
hugs....great pic!
A great image to keep us satisfied in the mean time.
Hope you're back soon!
Love the image - really, really good stuff!
i'm back! well, nearly - doesn't count as back until I start visiting your blogs which will probably be tomorrow.... as it WONT be weather for gardening....
thanks for your comments, glad you like the photo. (Milly I left you a comment about emailing, if you still want to buy a print). It was about midday-ish... I didn't have to shout anything, it was just very quiet. And I don't know of many other tube stations with these lovely old tiles left.
Kim yes! I knew the computer was on its way out, so everything that mattered was on the external hard drive.
Well, I don't really suppose this is likely to have effect.
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