i've been in a funny old mood lately.
or, more accurately, a funny old series of funny old moods.
and I've been feeling rather ambivalent about blogging.
I did wonder if maybe I would stop blogging - whether it was a phase i've gone through and will leave behind me. But i think thats unlikely. I don't think I want to stop blogging.
and, reading through all your comments again, how could I?
But I foresee a bit of a blogging break.
or maybe a change in blog-habits.
for a while....
Apart from the ambivalence and funny old-ness, there are a myriad other things I should be getting on with in the three weeks I have (oops! 3 weeks when i wrote this draft, less than now...) before my holiday starts
(starts with a return trip to the US followed by another family visit to family in Jersey, Channel Islands).
A myriad other things like:
*continuing re-organisation of my study (well underway already) (you should see how tidy my desk is!) (and i can get things in and out of my filing cabinet. And Everything!)
*preparation for teaching of existing/revised and new courses from September
*wallpaper-stripping in dining room
*some sewing/textile projects needing to be finished
*balancing bank accounts (yeah right! balance would be SUCH a good thing)
oh, and really need to mow the lawn...
and clip the guinea-pig's claws...
So I am herewith serving notice that there may not be quite the usual service here for a while - I think I will just post photos for a while, without any/much verbiage - and I may not appear much or at all in your comments boxes, though I will try to pop in from time to time just to keep in touch a bit.

For a while .....
Love the photos Lettie. If you need a break you take one m'deario.
I'm off on holiday soon (17th July) too, Kefalonia is my destination and I can't wait!
Fair enough! x
another US visit? really? where to this time, letty?
I'll miss you!
I understand about the blog break. It takes on a life of its own doesn't it?
I am looking forward to hosting you this visit and having nice long chats.
I took a few month break last year, i just put all technological stuff away. it was kind of nice not having access to the internet. I read more and wrote in long hand in notebooks.
Dennis only puts up a blog post when he feels like it.
Blog breaks are excellent!
(says one who 'breaks' more than she blogs)
Take as long as you need .... xx
Being busy is the best excuse for not blogging. See you whenever.
well, tis a funny old world, and so i understand your funny old moods, being a funny old thing meself you see
but i know you're out there whether i can see you or not
lettuce: during the night, I woke up from a dream in which you and I were talking. Suddenly, I leaned forward and gave you a little kiss on the nose and said "I really like you, you know", and you answered "oh, I do too" (but in the dream you had very dark hair, not at all like on your avatar)
be well, whatever you choose to do. Sometimes, we must travel alone but it doesn't mean friends and loved ones aren't in our heart anyway.
best from Graulhet
Love those photos.
And so fully understand the need for a bit of blogging respite.
Take the time out you need - the blogosphere will still be here.
Ah, and you've answered a question I asked of D yesterday - do guinea-pigs claws need clipping.
Everyone needs a break now and then! Enjoy it!
The need to blog can have a certain hold on a person, I know. But you're doing the right thing by fighting it.... but I'll miss you!
Can't wait to see you at the Airport--Looking forward to our time together. You can always do a blog post from here if you can an urge you know.
Back from my exciting time up North . . . How about writing in a journal? You can always photographs bits of it, and post them, thereby having a cyber outlet as well as a carry-it-around-to-write-and-sketch book (and something to place beneath your pillow . . .).
Blogging needs to be something you look forward to, not some obligation that is just another job. I'm sure you will be drawn back in when the time is right.
I seem to use it as an excuse NOT to do all the household chores I need to be doing...
Exactly how I'm feeling, Lettie. I don't know if I'm tired, or just overwhelmed with stuff..err, things...
Btw, love your photos, as always!
no worries...if a break is needed, a break it will be - we all understand, and have 'been there'!
your photos are so wonderful, if you feel the need to keep your toes in the water with just putting up a photo well.....
summertime! why does it fly by!!
wish I was going to see you during this lettuce tour....aw, next time! or better yet a mouse in london sounds good.....
I'm totally confused by that book thing. oh well.
oh, yeah. Esp in the summer. Like, we could go outside instead of sitting at our monitors. (she says, sitting at her monitor in summer...)
It's good to take a break now and then. I was finding so hard to blog now I feel like I want to blog every day (if only I had time). Cor I am so jealous of your US trips. Have a lovely break Letty, just don't stay away too long now ;-)
Taking a rest is always a good idea. Don't be a stranger, though!!
When a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do she needs a blogging break. Have a great holiday and time out and achieve loads and loads that you can come back and tell us all about when you're ready!
Sue x
It sounds as if you have a lot of things on the go ... your photographs are wonderful to look though and I'm glad you are not considering letting go of blogging. Taking a break is a good thing - sometimes blogging gets wearing (at least to me) and having a pause from it helps.
Enjoy your holiday in the US and in the Channel Islands ... I'll look forward to seeing your photographs!!
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