Hard to believe, as i look disconsolately out at the grey, grizzling, chilly london sky, that we were baking lazily in the Dordogne only a few days ago. Avec rose. Poolside.

I sent No Postcards.
Which felt extremely liberating.

I didn't miss the internet, not one little bit (though some of you did wander through my thoughts).
But I was glad to have a laptop to offload pictures from my memory card ... i took a few... and will try to be selective about which and how many I show and tell.
And there are compensations for being back - I'm looking forward to catching up on all your blogs which will help to counter-balance the tedium of trawling through all the work emails which have piled up in my absence. So poo again, to work - but also yay! hello again everyone!
Welcome back! You were missed but how lovely that you were enjoying life. All as it should be.
Try to hold on to a bit of that holiday perspective as you ease back into the trials and tribulations of the work reality.
Again, so wonderful to have you back in cyberspace. Looking forward to more pictures when you get around to it.
Hmmm, but a glass of rose wouldn't go amiss even on a rainy lunchtime in Angleterre...
Welcome back, Letty!
Love the pic of the post box!
Great pix of that rose! School starts here TODAY! Hurray! I've got my days back.
Ahhhh... good to know you had a great holiday in the sun!
Love that post box pic... Vive Internet indeed!
I'm in desperate need of a holiday, haven't been anywhere since last October.... AAARRRGGGHHH!!
Welcome back. Glad you had a nice time.
Glad you had a lovely holiday sweetpea. I have mine next week but nowhere as glamorous as you, Port Isaac again for us, love it. Fingers crossed for some sunshine, I NEED it :-)
Hi Lettuce
Glad you had such a good time, and your award is well deserved! Thanks for your lovely comments!
Sue x
Welcome back to the real world (the blogosphere).
Great (and profoundish) picture of the postbox...
Double poo i would say, how i wish i was still in France.
Love the post box.
Cheers Mark
hurrah for your return! i am plotting a short break now. i can sense the freshness in the air around you. a hint of lettuce on the breeze.
good to have you back duck
Vive internet!!
Glad you're home, glad you got lots of sunshine and rose in France. So looking forward to your holiday stories.
Welcome back!
Ah, back from the fleshpots of Europe, are we? We're glad to have you back; the ongoing adventure wasn't the same without you.
Your return is one more in a parade of things that mean summer is on the wane. School begins next week. Syllibi. Meetings. Argh.
Bottom line: you're back, rested and as ready for us as we are ready for you.
WELCOME back! you have been missed.
Hang on a bit to that lazy feeling you get when you first get back from your vacation...*sigh* I know that feeling too well.
Can't wait to see the gorgeous photos that you have in store for us! ;-)
Welcome back lovely Lettuce.
What do you mean you'll 'be selective' about which and how many photographs you'll show - we want to see them all!
That glass of Rose looks lovely - now where's my glass???
welcome back! hope the re-entry to 'real life' - the one where you are not lounging poolside drinking rose, baking in the french sun.... oh my, that does sound good.
looking forward to some armchair travel from your recent sojourn your 'eye' never fails to delight. speaking of which love the play of light with the wineglass pics and of course, I am a sucker for pics highlighting interesting graffiti.
Glad you had a good time, like you I'm catching up with everyones blog. I feel so rusty its taking me an age toget back into the swing of blogging again. Looking forwrd to the photos.
thanks gary. Yes i'm trying to - and friends are visiting at the mo, which helps.
well yes true pg. hope you are keeping dry.
hey lynne. yes, i was pleased to have caught that!
hurrah TT.
poor you shammie - you should plan something extra special for your next hols.
ta martin. oh, just remembered, i had a dream about you....
all crossed donna, hope you get some rays.
thanks dumdad, yes, back to reality.
double poo indeed mark.
nice to be back ducky.
ta reya. any more detail of your holiday planning? (yay)
yes Shelly, sharing that "argh" feeling. fleshpots of europe - brings to mind some of the things on sale in french supermarkets....
hello bella. i'm hanging on
I don't think you do, Lulu - even if i posted 5 a day, it would take about 6 months....
kimy it was that play of light i was hoping to catch, i had such fun with my camera.
Queenie how lovely to have you back, i hope you are ok. Will pop over to your place later today.
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