Hydrants we don't have. They are "foreign" to us Brits.
And they do look, to me, like little aliens.

Bougainvillea petals - wouldn't this make gorgeous confetti?

well, there is a little bit of paving in these pics....

see, i did warn you about the LOTS of pics (and more to come, feel free to take a break if you want).
But i've managed some words as well, haven't I?
and here is an entertaining link for you:
screaming beans
You managed words, ducks and beans!!!
Nice pix; see what happens when you really look around and down!
That's a beautiful top photo. I have a bit of a fetish for gutter shots...
I'll be working near London in Bedford Park and Brentham in 3 to 10 months, perhaps I'll make it out to Greenwich while there...
perhaps we'll even meet, oh my!
Until then, I'm off to Ireland.
Have a great 10 to 30 weeks!
Completely fabulous pics. Thank you so much for showing us the way Brits see fire hydrants. They look so scary when I see them through your eyes. Very cool.
Love the ducky, too. The water looks so thick in these pics - beautiful.
As for gargoyles at street level, well, doesn't it make more sense to have them down where the people are??
More pics? Yes please!!
I like the little aliens!
I wish our downspouts looked like gargoyles. Way more interesting than our dull ones.
(and thanks for your sweet comment about liking me. I've been in a state of suckitude, feeling depressed and self-absorbed. Your comment is timely. I think I've very nearly scared off many local readers because of my sarcasm and my vocal-ness about things in our religion that confound me. Its like pooping on the front sidewalk, then still expecting people to wave and smile....)
Your photography is wonderful. I love it when "ordinary" objects take on that wonder.
Some more great shots! Of course it helps to have spent time in such a photogenic place as Perpignan too.... but you seem to see special subjects through your lens, things that most people would just walk by and never give a second glance! I'm enjoying these pics, keep on posting!
And I love those beans. Squishy little devils.
I love the downspout photo! Superb! How intricate and beautiful with its metal guard. See, you do notice all the little architectural details.
The little blinkered hydrant looks a bit sly, like he has a secret ...
The screaming beans certainly got my dogs' attention. It made me laugh everytime I squashed one! Lots of fun!
oh ... and thanks for the link ;p
Love the hydrants and spouts;tiny, underrated miracles of the machine age.
As for the squished beans and their piteous cries of woe, we have names for them here. Republicans. Yes, I know; you had to be there.
The screaming beans left me giggling at my computer - this is the kind of humor that gets me. I know, not very deep am I?
Great photos!
Nice ?....x
Keep 'em coming!
I like the duck....
...and I love the screaming beans!
Hi Lettuce,
I pasted that hydrant on the way to Collioure, i thought it looked familiar...
Cheers Mark
...forgot to say that I think the photography bug has surely bitten you! Careful now, it's very addictive ...
Has beans!
I want to dive into that water, then get out and lie in the sun with a cold G&T - an endless supply of them, mind you, and a good book. And someone to rub lotion onto my back.
Those beans are very very funny. Where do you find this stuff?
I love the pics...they're all lovely. I particularly love the ducks. The light is so wonderful in them.
hahaha Wendy - want to dive into that water, then get out and lie in the sun with a cold G&T - an endless supply of them, mind you, and a good book. And someone to rub lotion onto my back.
So, you want to dive in my pool, well mind the ducks, get out and sit with a cold Guy and Tanya? Don't know about a good book but you can read Hello and I'll rub cream on your back hehehe....... didn't know I had a duck in my pond Lets...
COOL Pics as usual Lettie!!! And those bouganvilleas - I agree with you - we have a lot of those here!
hahaha, Trac, yes so i did! and has beans. :o)
yes TT - its so much to do with Looking isn't it?
James, gutter fetish? we MUST meet!
hey Reya. Actually i found them appealing rather than scary... thats just me, right?
me too penny!
glad if it helped Joyce. cos its true!
ta shammie. (squish squish)
i think he does have a secret lynne. i wonder what it is?
(yes, well addicted)
haha Shelly, you are v. funny. Gives the game a whole new dimension.
Gary - about as deep as me then?
martin - ta. x
Lulu thanks. I will, not done yet.
ta duckdad.
oh no mark. you're not telling me they sneak about?!
wendy - hoping to see you in the dordogne for some of that. :o)
tee hee RW. LG found this one...
Anon. Find The Duck!
Bella they are gorgeous - and very exotic, to a Brit.
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