A bit of reportage here on my gardening progress. Also, more info about water butts, for those of you in the USA who don't know what a water butt is.
(sorry. i must admit to being still a bit gobsmacked about that)
Having decided recklessly to go for the extra large capacity slimline super duper water butt I really wanted, the price talked me down in the end.
However I managed to resist the attractions of all the decorative, fanciful, rustic, woodlandish (and other...) butts available (click here for pics) and went for simple, functional, quite cheap but still large version - but with a bit on the side.
Now some of you might think that people living in the UK have no need to store rainwater. Just as we have no need for summer clothing, sunglasses, flip flops or barbeques.
At the moment that feels about bloody right.
I've gone to bed for 2 nights in a row now wearing socks (- purely for comfort and warmth, nothing to do any strange fetishes.) Bloody June the bloody 28th, and its as chilly as October.
However, I live in hope.
High temperatures and even drought conditions have been known in this country in recent years. Londoners have started eating al fresco and leaving their bedroom windows open at night. We've even been known to go out without either jacket or umbrella.
No, really.
I have had great need of a water butt over the last couple of years while mine has been bust and resisting my attempts at repair.
So, here is my new water-saving irrigation arrangement:
One butt is plumbed into the down pipe catching rain from the roof, and the two are linked together so that both will fill, giving over 300L capacity.
So, finished job. Enough to make the heart of any gardener smile.
Completed with the (extensive and expert) help of my father, who's here quite a bit at the moment.
He's struggling at the moment, my poor dad, to live - to function - to wake up in the mornings - to get through the day - without his best friend, lover and companion of 54 years.
I'm having a hard time much of the time myself but can't begin to imagine what it might be like for him.
Despite my new installation, I'm still not hoping for more rain - really, if anyone up there is listening? No more rain just now, thankyou very much.
But if and when it does rain, I will at least feel smug about my big butt.
I Could Have Been A ...
1 year ago