I was just going to start wittering on about hills and bumps and walking very slowly. But I think I'll just stay away from the metaphors today if I can.
I have a free day at home (well, if I ignore the essays waiting to be marked)
(I think I can) - due to a cancelled appointment, which is a disappointment, but well-timed really - once M goes out I'll have at least a few lovely hours home alone.
Mum came home from the hospice on Weds. It should have been Tuesday but her health has deteriorated quite a bit since she's been there (2 weeks) and the hospice staff really didn't want her to come home at all, they're not convinced they/we will cope. But - she so very much wanted to come home that they agreed on condition that she was brought home in an ambulance the next day, with as much extra support as they can find and give. Mum wanted to go into the hospice, was very happy there at first, and it was a good change for everyone. But though its a wonderful place, she soon began to want to be home again.
She is so delighted to be home, we saw something of her old self in her smile.
It was a very good home-coming.
I've run out of words now, metaphorical or otherwise.
Lettuce.... My Dad had to go into a hospice at the end. When the doctor came round to admit him, when had finished he asked my Dad "Is there anything I can do for you ?". My Dad replied " Get me home". It still brings a lump to my throat. I am glad your Mum Is at home, I hope she enjoys it.
I'm glad your mum is home, I'm sure it will bring more than a smile to her. x
I agree. It's good she can be where she wants to be.
Wittering? Is that a word? :)
Glad your mam has got her smile back.
You have a way with words, L.
"A cancelled appointment is a disappointment!"
I'll spend the next two hours playing and displaying...
"Home alone!" I love that film!
no words then, just hugs and hand holding
I think you're so brave to bring her home, to grant her this wish in spite of all the official warnings against this decision. Sending love and an extra measure of energy to you because surely it must be strenuous having her there.
p.s. I put a link to Pod's birthday vid in the comments of the Blog Kin post. Hope it makes you laugh.
It's what she wants; I'm glad you're able to give it to her.
It's all a series of humps and bumps, isn't it?
Hi saw your blog via a friend and hope you don't mind me popping round. So pleased your mum is home, like they say its where the heart is. (((hugs))) to you and your mum.
Big hugs for you Letty. I'm glad your mum is home.
You know what, that chair in your picture is the same a s the ones in my dentists room. They are so ugly but the MOST comfortable chair I have ever sat in! They rock, swing round and recline, woo hoo! Anyway, what is it doing in the road?!
Pleased your mom is back- am sure you guys will be doing fun things together.
Hi Lettie,
Sending you my love.
I'm so glad your mum was able to come back home and that it made her happy.
Speak soon. xxxxxxx
Dear Lettie,
Hope you are ok. Let me know if you need anything. Sending love and hugs.
I hope your mom is well enough to enjoy being at home. Being in your own space can definitely have positive benefits, but only if everyone can handle it.
interesting sign. looks like the road ate and is slowly digesting a comfortable sedan.
Thinking of you :-) who loves ya baby??
Isn't it nice that all your friends are wishing good thoughts for your mum? I'm glad she is happy to be at home. It makes such a difference.
Looks like the wheelie bins are waiting for something to happen, maybe the chair bumping over the humps! I imagine them all laughing like the old 'smash martians' ah ah ah ah.
Enjoy your mums moments of happiness and smiles. Sending you all my love Letty! xx
Sending more love your wayxx
shouldn't it be 'bumps? One almost wonders what is the central item in this photo, the sign or the chair.
You are on my mind this morning, and in my heart. Thinking about you with much love, sending warm energy. Email if you like reyasdottir@verizon.net.
Hope you're well Letty-Loo, thinking of you honey x
Very sorry, S.
God bless your mama.
(here's an irreverent aside: in Canada we would not have a sign that says "humps". humping is a crude word for s8x. Perhaps I'll get a sign like yours, just to give my husband hope during dry spells...
Hah! The picture gave me a much-needed laugh.
Thinking of your mum, the hospice, being at home.
Makes me think of my mum. Her days at home with in-home hospice care. and everything that came after.
thinking of you.
Take it your not off your ROCKER with this one.. take it EASY man..
she did Martin, though at the end being in the hospice was the best for her, and for all of us too.
it did, Akel.
Yes, steve, and its a good word. I hope you will be using it this very week.
Cream - I'm too clever for myself clearly. I hadn't nticed that.
thanks Pod. Always. Please.
Reya - yes. So much worth it. Even for 2 days. I will check out the birthday vid.
yes Tut-Tut, it certainly is. Sigh.
Queenie - hi! i will be checking out your blog!!! welcome!!!! great picture!!!!!!
thanks Donna. As for the chair... well, it was bin day.....
mama - we did, a bit. Worth it, defnately.
luce... and Bud... thanks, your friendship helps so much.
thanks Jay.
ja.es yes. i love your different take on things. No, really!
Tat@!!!! hoping to book a flight to Perp. Really!!!!!!
yes, Ex-Sham, it did really.
nabeel. i'm not sure myself. I think it must be the chair, its more relaxing.
thanks reya. will email. xx
and donna.... and cream....
thanks everyone.
Joyce - it means that in the Uk too. It wasn't 1000 miles from my mind when i titled this picture/post.....
bird - thanks. glad to make you laugh.
saleem - hello. Nice to meet someone new, i will visit your blog.
hahaHA, Dizzy, AND we smash them with our metal knives, Hahahaha.
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