I forgot, in my last post (about my vacance francais(e?)) to show you this.
This is me, according to Pink (Tat's 3rd and very artistic daughter).
Can you guess what I was doing?
Only one clue - I wasn't AT ALL as miserable as I might look here!
What a brilliant picture!
I guess you were on the beach or by the pool. Possibly sunbathing, paddling or even swimming?
There, I think I've covered all corners - can I have my prize now please?
I couldn't leave a message the other day about my daughters great drawing, were you lying on the sofa??? 4 copies please Sal, and guess what, Trac crashed my computer, I can say that as she's not reading blogs, would you believe it????
in the pool - on an inflatable chair. Relaxing. (so you're both right, sort of) In the SUNSHINE.
It was luvverrrly.
Your hair looks great!
Were you doing the Tango on your own?
Vacances en France...
Back from my hols and stopping in to say hello.
You look fab in that drawing...hee hee hee...
hello letty! Great picture. On an inflatable chair? What fun! Did you have an alcoholic drink in one hand and a really good book in the other?
Hi Lettuce
Yes please I would love to swap buttons with you. You can email me if you like (I think you still have my email address). x
Wow, sunbathing on an inflatable chair IN the pool - how decadent is that?
Tango - haha. It does look a bit like it.
Yes it was decadent and luvverly. No drinks or books though - too risky with ferals around, always waiting to capsize me.
ah, water time. beach time. pool time.
did a little of that myself on holiday. but i had drinks and books and newspapers, and young men offering to massage my feet. decadence is glorious.
love the drawing.
That's a great drawing!
I thought that you were perhaps showing someone how to hold a baby...
have just had a big napkin tied around you neck in preparation to start eating a big fruit de mare platter.
Not sure about the feet though, nor the shorts.
Lying on an inflatable chair in the pool sounds cool. How many times were you dunked?
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