This was LG's hair colour for her last ever day at primary school. What cool parents we are!

No panics over colour this time, we're getting to be old hands at this dying lark.
Major panic about the cylindrical hairbrush tho', which LG managed (somehow - God knows how) to get so thoroughly embedded and entangled in her hair that it took us about an hour, late late late at night, to coax/cut it out. LG was hysterical and shouting at both of us, M. was shouting back (old enough to know better, one might say), I resisted shouting but mouthed certain things at M. over LG's head, not
Finally sorted out, LG calmed down and in bed, M and I continued a muttered row for some time in the study while french visitors tiptoed discreetly backwards and forwards in the hallway ...
Blimus I need a f*****g holiday.

Last day of school, v. emotional for all.
LG has been with some of these children, in nursery and then school, for 9 years.
NINE YEARS! Thats very nearly an armful!!!!!!
She met some of them on Saturday to go to the cinema. Great reunion (a day after the end of term!!) and great explorations in independence.
Since then she has been mostly dossing in her room, d

Digestive biscuits and peanut butter.
Shed news. Not yet very thoroughly embellished outside (wait for further pics.) but getting to be quite nicely furnished inside.
Under the tie-dye throw is a little chair with built in under-seat cool bag, very handy for the G&T.

I think I need to find a better place for the King - he looks a bit furtive hanging around in the corner there. Doesn't look half so good as he'd look - say - hanging round a cat's neck, or something. Maybe I could catch a sparrow to wear him?
And I need to cover the table with something nice. Maybe a bit of vintage fabric, stuck and then varnished?

See my lovely trug? (I just love the word "trug" and don't get to use it half often enough).
And if I sit in my shed in the evenings and look up, I can see the Milky Way...

Off to Perpignan today, with LG, for a so-much-so-desperately-needed break - can't wait to see you Tat, and all your lovely ferals, and Trac too.
Happy summer to the rest of you, hope its good. Only going for a week. See you again soon.
You will have gone now probably, but have a wonderful time.
Yes, very cool parents indeed. LG looks great. The biscuit sandwich thing looks gross though - how does she get her choppers round that?
Speak to you again soon
I started with, Gosh is she going to senior school with dyed hair, if she cuts it how short will it be...
Shut up Dizzy - far to sensible.
2nd attempt
Wow! What hair, LG must be really pleased with herself. Definitely cool parents.
Shed is looking very nice. I like the stars and the idea of the vintage fabric shelf. It does look new and all neat and tidy Letty, it needs wearing in!
Have a fab time with Tats (& Trac), chill out and enjoy yourselves. XOX
For some reason her hair makes me crave a rti-colored popsicle.
Anyhoo, nice shed. Must be a nice little get-away. Those biscuits and pb look good. I'm hungry can you tell?
That's funny...I was just about to say that the hair reminds me of one of those Rocket lollipops. Yum. It's fantastic. I love the stripes. And the shed is looking good too!
I wish I were still young enough to pull those colors off! Love them. Congrats on the next stage in your daughter's life!!
Lovely hair! Looks like a roaring fire!
That digestive biscuits and peanut butter sandwich looks awesome...
A bit awkward to eat, I bet!
hello letty! Using a french keyboard - very confusing indeed. having a lazy and cloudy day in brittany so treating holly and cousins to an hour in an internet cafe: hope you had a great time in perp with tats. lots of love to you and all fellow bloggers who read this.
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