Yesterday i found this little treasure in the midst of urban south east london.
After a wonderful massage (thanks to Reya for suggesting this) I felt like walking, so took a long detour home (with camera of course) and walked and walked, just for the sake of the journey.

This is Well Hall Pleasaunce - a garden which originates from the thirteenth century, restored in more recent centuries.
I sat in the sunshine by the water and ate an apple and reflected on the difficulties and possibilities of living through and for the journey, in the midst of uncertainty about where, when, if i might arrive.
There is a tudor building in the Pleasaunce, now used as a pub. (no i didn't investigate the beer. another time...)

There was distant traffic noise, its a very busy part of south east london with some major roads, but it was quite calm and peaceful in the green.

There was a striking grey heron by the moat, but it flapped lazily away as soon as i reached for my camera.
So here are some pigeons instead. Being London, there are always pigeons.

Wow, Lettie! Are you sure your middle name isn't Bailey!
Beautiful photos!!!
Actually, maybe Gordon instead of Bailey...
i knew you'd like sniggle ;0)
it looks lovely there! what a great find. i shall meet you there for a chat plus sniggle
hope you're ok
What a fabulous place, and you have really done it justice with your photos Lettuce!
PS I'm working on the Rebus post! :)
what a beautiful place for a bit of contemplation, lovely photoes, english green, nothing quite as green as that.
Isn't it wonderful--there is always something new to discover. I guess we all need to keep that part of the journey in perspective.
I agree; great photographs!
Oh yeah I agree - lovely pics as always! :O)
It always amazes me actually how 'green' SE London is...
...lots of hidden treasures!
Gorgeous pics! I feel like I'm travelling backwards in time just by gazing into the reflections in the pool. Thank you!
So glad you had a good massage. I'm a true believer in the simple healing that can be had on the table. And so glad you stretched out the experience of peace by walking, sitting, taking beautiful pics, having an apple.
I salute you!
where? italy/...lol
ps. re: delia's grotto, history, etc.
Liar. No one is enjoying these posts...I have the numbers to prove it.
Wow! That is TRULY GORGEOUS!!! I wish I was there!
Wow! again, the photos are brill.
You wouldn't believe it was in London, let us know what the beer's like once you've tested it out...
lovely. I often have the image of myself living in my little cottage in England surrounded by a wonderful garden and staring off at the sky. This post reminded me of that and my images of a newly married David Copperfield going about his business. Makes me want to hop on a flight and take a walk to the pub. I'm buying.
Tremendous pictures of a secret garden. Well, secret to me anyway.
These are just gorgeous!
Really enjoyed looking at them.
(thinks - can I fit in a trip to Eltham Palace and surrounding area before I go back to work??)
Oh Letty! You have really blown me away this time!
Although I live in Devon now, I have spent many, many happy hours in Well Hall Pleasaunce.
I used to take Donna there when she was little and have the photos to prove it!
How amazing to suddenly see that special place right here, in your blog - it has filled me with nostalgia. I haven't been there for many years.
Thanks for the memories, sweetie.
Thank you so much for your kind words Lettie, they mean so much. I will be in touch soon.
I came to say that mum has some fab photos of me in the 60's in the Pleasaunce but I see she beat me to it! I might have to get her to dig them out ;-)
Your photos are truly beautiful, you have such a keen eye x
Those places where you trod and sat and thought and ate (but did not drink)are splendid real places to tread and think and eat but such is your nature that where ever you walk, you will find such places inside your heart. With reflecting pools.
Wow!! Beautiful
How beautiful and peaceful. The perfect place for reflection of any kind. There is something so calming about these photos.
Thanks for stopping by, lettuce!
I've done it!
who's there then?
I remember now - last year on Tat's birthday, we had a drink together! We shall have to make this an annual event!? :O)
See you late then for much glass clinking and 'Cheers Tat' and stuff.
Very pleasant,the pleasaunce......
Hi Lettuce,What a nice suprise in the urbanness, I think though somebody has planted the trees all wonky....
Did you also know that Akelamalu has done it!!!!
Cheers Mark
I meant 'see you later!'
Not late! :O)
Although late too I guess? I'll hardly be leaving that early!!?
oooh cream, you flatter me. Def. Gordons not Baileys tho.
oh yes. And a snuggle maybe?
thanks Lamelulu - and i've seen it. Its great! well done.
M.R.S. - oooh, hadn't notice before that spells Mrs. Tis very green and English.
T-T yes.
Easy to lose sight of it, but its true.
you too Trac.
yes, it was great Reya, just what i needed. i have another date in my diary.... thanks to you.xx
james i hope you're not implying that we Brits. can't do Renaissance elegance?
and Not a Lie for my part, i DID like them. So there. *sticks tongue out*
isn't it Bella? you're welcome any time... :o)
and so are you Queenie. London is like that i think.
Gary if you've flown all the way here, i think i can stand you a round or two. ;op
yes dumdad, just what it felt like.
GOW and Donna - thats so lovely! it makes it so much more special! i hope you can post some pics of you both there?
Shelly. I hope you are right.
ta Mike.
and Lynne. (will pop by again, if i can find you!)
Trac. We forgot to clink glasses! come back!
twas Martin. Was mightily pleasaunt.
yes Mark, they do lean, don't they?
Hmmm...I think I need a massage too, now that you mention it! :)
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